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Rafe and Wheezie got ready to head out, but a large clap of thunder stopped them. Sighing, I realized Hurricane Finn was finally rolling in.

"Looks like you two are gonna be stuck here with me tonight," I said, "Not that I'm surprised though. I kind of figured this would happen."

"Good thing we told Dad we weren't coming home tonight," Rafe said, "But I should probably tell Topper to cover for me."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if Dad started poking his head around," Wheezie sighed.

I walked into JJ's room as Rafe started texting Topper. Digging through the drawers, I found a pair of sweatpants for Rafe. It was weird to give Rafe JJ's clothes, but I knew he needed something to sleep in. Wheezie had actually brought things with her, as it would've looked weird that she left to go to a sleepover without a bag. I turned around to head back out into the living room but was startled when I came face to face with Wheezie.

"So, this is JJ's room?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, "Well, I guess mine and JJ's."

"So, you're really gonna live here?" she asked, "Even when John B and Sarah come back? Do you think Sarah's gonna live here too?"

"You know, I hadn't really thought about that," I said, "All I know is that I don't want to be away from JJ again."

"I don't want to be all alone in that big house," she whispered.

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, okay?" I said, pulling her into a hug, "I won't leave you all alone in there."

"Do you promise?" she asked.

"I promise," I said, "Now, let's go back out there with Rafe."

We walked back out into the living room, and I handed Rafe the sweatpants. He took them, reluctantly, and headed into the bathroom to change. Walking towards the couch, I started pulling it out so Rafe could sleep on it. He could sleep in John B's room, but something about letting another person sleep in John B's bed felt wrong. I knew JJ wouldn't like it.

"Rafe, you can sleep on the pull out, and Wheezie you can sleep in the room with me," I said.

"Why can't one of us sleep in the other room?" Rafe asked, "This couch looks uncomfortable."

"It's John B's room," I said, "JJ doesn't let anyone in there. He would be upset."

"Well, I don't want to sleep in that bed if you and JJ had sex in it," Wheezie said.

"Oh my god, that was not an image I wanted in my head," Rafe groaned.

"Wheezie, we didn't have sex in that bed, okay?" I said.

"Shocking based on what I heard from your room last night," she said, "The walls are thin."

I choked on my saliva, my face heating up at Wheezie's comment. I thought JJ and I were quiet, but I guess not quiet enough to keep the sound from travelling through the wall between our rooms.

"You had sex with him in the same house as our father?" Rafe asked, "That's gold."

"I cannot believe you just said that in front of Rafe," I said, "But I'm telling the truth. We didn't have sex in that bed."

"Okay fine," she said, "Sorry for mentally scarring you forever, Rafe."

He just shook his head, throwing his body on the couch. I grabbed Wheezie's arm, dragging her into the bedroom with me.

"Goodnight, Rafe," I said before shutting the door, "Were we really that loud?"

"I could distinctly hear what you were saying," she said, "Oh, JJ, right there. That's so good."

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