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"You do realize that completely uprooting our lives and moving to the beach isn't going to bring him back," I said as we pulled into the driveway of our new house.

"Don't you talk to me like that Sierra. I know you're angry about leaving your friends, but this isn't the time for attitude," my mom replied.

I rolled my eyes and got out of the car. The movers had already been to the house earlier in the week with my dad and little brother to get it ready for the family. My dad wanted me to come with them, but I refused. I wanted the extra time to say bye to my friends. Moving six hours away from home in the middle of the summer before my junior year was at the very bottom of the list of things I wanted to do.

Walking up the steps to the house, I felt dread washing over me. It was much bigger than our house back in Maryland, and I honestly don't think we would've been able to afford it if we hadn't won the lawsuit. Knowing that was how we got the house made it even more bitter.

"Sie Sie, you're here!" my little brother screamed, running up to me.

"Yeah, mommy and Maddie and I just pulled up," I said, smiling at him.

He was a nine-year-old ball of energy and the most excited out of all of us for the big move. The idea of being close to the beach was all it took to sell him. I knew we wouldn't be able to stay in that house after what happened, but I didn't think we would move this far.

"Hey Brayden, do you think you could show me which one is my room?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, grabbing my hand to lead me upstairs. We got to the second floor and walked all the way to the end of the hallway, standing in front of a closed door.

"This one is your room. Mine is at the other end of the hallway. The rooms are so pretty here Sie Sie," he exclaimed.

"I'm sure they are. Thank you for helping me, Bray. I'm going to go put my stuff away," I said.

He smiled and ran off back downstairs. I sighed, turning towards the white door in front of me. I opened it and was amazed by what I saw. The room was huge. It had a queen bed, a couch, an en suite, and a large walk-in closet. The best part was the huge balcony looking into the backyard. I noted the large tree that would be perfect for sneaking out late at night to do crazy shit with my friends. My mood fell once again as I realized I had no friends here to sneak out with.

I walked back into the room and started unpacking my boxes. I grabbed my speaker out of my bag and turned some music on to make the experience more bearable. After a few hours, almost all my things were unpacked. All I had left to do was put up my decorations. I was about to get started putting up my string lights when my sister, Maddie, walked into the room.

"Hey Sierra, I'm hungry and dad told me to come see if you wanted to go into town with me to get lunch. He said there's a lot of cute restaurants and shops," she said.

"Yeah, I guess. Let me just get dressed," I said.

I walked into my closet, grabbing a baby blue bathing suit, floral flowy shorts, and a white graphic tee. After taking my hair out of my braids and putting on a pair of white vans, I headed downstairs. Maddie was downstairs waiting for me to go. I grabbed my car keys out of her hands, excited to finally be able to drive again.

We walked outside to my car and got in. I started the car, opening the sunroof. We sped down the road, blasting Tame Impala. As we pulled closer to town, I slowed down and turned the music down slightly. There were people walking around, coming in and out of shops. I pulled into a parking lot, closing the sunroof and putting the car in park.

"Hold on," I said to Maddie as she went to get out of the car.

I pulled my Juul out of my bag, hitting it before passing it off to Maddie.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now