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*Just wanted to pop in and say trigger warning towards the end of this chapter*

The sound of my obnoxious alarm woke me up. I moved to turn it off but was stopped by a pair of strong arms holding me. I opened my eyes and came face to face with JJ's bare chest, which felt oddly safe. I slipped out of his arms to turn the alarm off as I tried to understand how he lost his shirt and the ice pack in the middle of the night.

The bruise on his chest looked better, but the one under his eye looked worse. The cuts had scabbed over and shrunk a little, but it all still looked pretty bad. I decided to let him keep sleeping while I went to take a shower. I locked my door so no one would come in and find JJ asleep in my bed, then went into the bathroom.

I started the warm water and turned my speaker on. I didn't want to wake JJ up, so I played my music quietly. I washed my hair and body, then turned the water off and wrapped my body in a towel. After drying my hair off with another towel, I stepped out into my room to get clothes. JJ was awake now, sitting on the bed. I stepped out and he turned his gaze towards me, not bothering to hide his eyes roaming up and down my body. I pulled my towel tighter around me and walked into my closet. I grabbed a lavender bikini, and black loose shorts with an oversized white button-up.

I walked back out into the room, and JJ was still sitting there, playing with a rubber band ball he grabbed off my desk.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Have a pretty bad headache but pretty good. I slept the best I have in years last night," he said, smiling at me.

A small blush crept up my face, and I silently cursed my body for showing this boy what he does to me.

"I'm glad. I'm gonna go downstairs and get you some water and food," I said.

"Okay. Here's the ice pack by the way," he said, tossing it to me.

I caught it in one hand and opened the door with the other. I walked downstairs and found my parents and Brayden sitting in the kitchen.

"Good morning guys," I said, putting the ice pack back in the freezer.

"Good morning sweetie, did you have a good time last night?" my mom asked.

"Yeah it was a lot of fun. Maddie and I kind of split up for a little because for the first time I think she and I are actually making our own friends," I laughed.

"So, you met some people? Any boys?" she asked.

"There better be no boys," my dad said, only half-joking.

"Yes, I met some people. They actually asked me to hang out today if that's okay?" I asked.

"Of course it's okay. You have a car and you have a boating license. It's summer. You don't need to keep asking when you want to do things Sie. If you wanna go out, feel free to as long as you let us know before you leave," my dad said.

"Okay, thank you. I'm gonna take my breakfast upstairs and get ready," I said.

I grabbed some pancakes and put them on a plate, taking a few extra for JJ. After that, I grabbed a glass of water and headed back upstairs. When I got back to my room, I place the water and plate down on the nightstand next to JJ, then grabbed a bottle of Advil for him.

"Eat some food and take some Advil. I'm gonna get ready. We're meeting Kie and Pope in like an hour," I said.

He didn't respond, as he was shoving pancakes in his mouth like it was going to be his last meal. I laughed at him and went back to getting ready. I brushed through my wet hair, pushing it behind my head. After doing my hair, I put on mascara and brow gel. Since it was summer, I didn't like to put as much makeup on, so I settled on just that. I realized there was still a lot of time until we had to meet Kie and Pope, so we had some time to kill.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now