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I smiled up at JJ as he played with my hair. We had all made our way back to the porch, and I was laying down with my head in JJ's lap. He looked lost in thought as we sat, quietly.

"What are you thinking about, J?" I asked.

"How crazy it is that we've only known you for two weeks. It feels like we've known you forever," he said, continuing to play with my hair.

"I agree," I said.

"Do you guys want to just stay here tonight? I don't feel like leaving, and it's already midnight," Kie said.

"Sure. I can go inside and clean up a little before you guys come in," JJ said, gently moving my head from his lap and running inside.

"What was that about?" Pope whispered, "The house shouldn't be messy. No one's been in there for weeks."

I shrugged my shoulders, flipping my Juul around in my fingers. I took a long hit before putting it back in my pocket. Pulling out my phone, I sent a text to my parents that I was staying at a friend's house tonight.

I heard a crash from inside and sat up quickly. Pope, Kie, and I exchanged a look, wondering what JJ was doing in there. I got up and walked towards the door, opening it slightly.

"Everything okay in there, pogie?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just dropped something," he said.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

I saw him come around the corner and head towards the door. He walked over to me, kissing me lightly.

"I got it, princess kook," he said, walking off.

"I'm coming in," I said, following him.

I looked around, seeing beer cans and empty bags of chips all over the living room. The sink was full of dirty dishes, and the trash can was full. I walked around some more, finding JJ in one of the bedrooms in the back. He was making the bed and throwing trash in a bag.

"Are you sure you don't need some help?" I asked.

He jumped, turning to look at me.

"What are you doing in here?" he asked.

"I told you I was coming in," I said, taking a step towards him.

"I told you I didn't need help," he said.

I placed my hand on his arm and said, "I know you said you didn't need my help, but I'm here to give it anyway."

"You shouldn't have come in here," he said, turning away from me.

"Why, you didn't want me to see whatever you're doing in here?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"You don't know what you're talking about," he said, snapping around to face me.

"I don't need the attitude, JJ. I came in here to help you. I am always here to help you. I don't know why you just won't let me," I said, "I'm leaving."

I turned around, walking out of the house. I grabbed my things off the couch on the porch, walking towards my car.

"I'm going home, guys. I'm sorry I just can't do this right now," I said.

"Did something happen with JJ?" Pope asked.

"Yeah, we just got into a little argument. It's nothing really. I just want to sleep in my bed tonight. I'll see you tomorrow," I said, getting in my car.

I turned the car on and started to head down the dirt road. In my mirrors, I could see JJ running out of the house towards my car. I accelerated, driving off before he could catch up with me. Maybe I was overreacting, but tonight had been an emotional night. JJ and I were never going to work if he couldn't be open with me. I knew he had shit going on in his life, but other than all this with John B, I knew nothing. I felt like I knew so much about him but so little at the same time.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now