Chapter twenty-two: the cabin part three

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me: broke with no job and thousands of dollars in debt.

also me: I need to get 36 dollars and immediately spend it on Larry's SF t-shirt so I can dress like him.

anyways enjoy

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The sun shining through the window made my eyes open slowly, and I realized this was one of the best sleeps I've gotten in a long time.

I was so comfortable where I was at, with Sals body intertwined with mine. We were close and that's all I wanted to be right now.

I noticed that Ash and Larry's door was wide opening but they didn't seem to be in there.

They must have already got up.

"Hey... Sal.." I gently cooed, until he stirred in his position. He lifted his head away from my collarbone and yawned.

He looked at me in the eyes and I smiled, being able to fully see his face again.

"I'm never going to get over this" I stated.

"Get over what?" He asked tiredly.

"Seeing your beautiful face" I paused, seeing his mouth twitch upwards "seeing your perfect smile too"

He was grinning wide now and he nuzzled back into me. His hands moved slightly, one now resting on my hip.

"I think the others are up... do you want to get up soon too?" I questioned, reaching up and noticing his braid had completely come out.

He probably took them out sometime in the night.

"Noooooo..." he dragged out, making his words hum against my skin. I squeezed him tight, making him sigh happily.

He was so cuddly in the mornings, I never really noticed until now.

I guess mainly because I've never woke up beside him like this.

My hands played with his hair, making him overly happy in his tired state.

"Never leave" Sal muttered as quite as he possibly could

"Never" I repeated.


An hour or so had passed before the two of us decided to get up. We simply laid with each other and enjoyed the feeling while it lasted, because for me it almost felt empty when we let go of each other.

Sal had put in his eye and strapped his mask back on, so he seemed more awake now.

"Goodmorning sleepyheads" Todd joked as he spotted us walking through the doorframe. "Ash made some pancake batter earlier, so you guys can make some for yourselves! we didn't want yours to get cold if we made them"

I gasped and ran quickly to the kitchen. I love pancakes. "Thank you!!!"

Sal slowly followed behind me and grabbed a plate, setting it down next to the stove.

"Want me to help?" He offered nicely and I nodded.

"I'd love that!"

He grabbed the whisk from the sink and washed it off. Just so we could make sure everything in it is still all mixed around smoothly.

Then, he started whisking the batter as I put a pan on the burner.

I looked at the others, Todd and Neil sitting at the Tv, while Ash and Larry were chilling over at the table to finish up their food.

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now