Chapter one: Back again.

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(hi there ! Little authors note but I wanted to say this is probably the only chapter that's not gonna be in someone's point of veiw! I just thought it would be an easy way to lead into the initial story! but anyways thank you so much for reading !! :))

Y/n smiled as she parked the car outside of the slightly old-looking building. It didn't look like much, but to her it was home.

Addison apartments. The place she lived since she was a baby, to when she had just turned 14. She went through a lot there.

She made her first best friend, her only friend, Larry. They were so inseparable and she couldn't see life without him.

They were tied at the hip, and they were always there for each other when they needed it.

But that all was going to change when her father got a very respected job offer he couldn't refuse.

As much as this hurt Y/N, her father, who cared for her with everything in his soul, had to pack everything and move.

She cried for weeks. Going to school felt like hell and she didn't find a point in even going, since she was going to move away regardless. Her dad respected her emotions and feelings at the time and let her stay home, pulling her out early.

Larry, her best friend in the entire world noticed she wasn't at school one day, and after, he visited her apartment.

3 years ago....

Larry knocked on the door in front of him gently, and then stuffed his hands back in his pockets.

He waited and heard the lock turn, the door opened and there stood Y/N's dad.

"Hello Sir, is Y/N home? She wasn't in school today so I just wanted to check in." He asked, worrying and rocked into his heels "I know she totally like. Takes school seriously so I was just concerned"

Her father gave Larry a kind smile and opened the door more gesturing in. "Such a kind boy, come in Larry."

He stepped inside and looked towards her door that was shut tight. Usually she leaves it open when she's here.

Her father sat on the couch and cleared his throat as Larry sat down beside him.

"Now, Larry..." her father started. "You know my daughter most. She's open to me but.. I know she's angry with my decisions. I've accepted a job offer a good lengths away and it would mean that we have to take off from these apartments..."

Larry's face fell as he heard the words he spoke. But he also knew what this meant for Y/N and how difficult she must be taking it.

He always was the one to stick up for her when dumb bullies got to her. He helped her through really bad times, held her and comforted her while she was at her worst.

He was her rock. and her rock would be gone.

Larry chatted with her father for a bit longer, before he stood up and thanked him.

He walked towards the closed door and knocked three times.

"Hey dude, I'm coming in. I swear you better be decent" he chuckled a bit and opened the door.

Y/N was on the floor, squeezing her pillow with her headphones in. He could tell by the loud music blasting through them, that she was listening to Sanity's Fall again. This was a band that Larry showed her soon after they became teenagers.

She looked up at Larry through her tears, almost audibly sobbing as she sat up, stood herself up and ran up to him.

Her cries were loud now as she hugged him so tight, music player and headphones falling to the floor with a thud.

Larry felt a pain in his heart.

His eyes swelled up with tears as he placed a hand in her hair and squeezed her tight against him.

"I-it's okay Y/N I'm here now" he sniffled, and cursed under his breath. "When are you leaving?"

She hiccuped and pulled away from the hug. "T-Tomorrow morning. You'll be at s-school"

He sighed and shook his head sadly "shit dude. This is messed up" Larry wiped the tears running down his face. "Please promise me something Y/N"

"Of c-course" she said through breathy sobs.

"Please come back. I don't want this to be our last time together. This isn't over and I don't want to act like this is a goodbye. Because it's not. Let's make it an 'I'll see you later'"

She paused and grinned lightly at him nodding "of course you loser. I'll be b-back."

Throughout the rest of the night Larry and Y/N sat and talked as they always do. staring up at the ceiling, counting all the random spots they see on it. The time got later and later until Larry's mom, Lisa, had called.

Larry closed the phone and gulped. "My mom needs me back at the place."

It was completely silent as they both stood up and thought of nothing. They didn't want to remember the fact that she would be leaving so soon, they just wanted to forget.

"I'll..." Y/N stuttered "I'll see you later, friend "

He walked forward to her again and hugged her tight "see you soon dude"

And with that, he left.


Walking into the Lobby, Y/N noticed a lot of the same things. Same old walls, same flooring, same everything. Time just seemed to wear it all down quite a bit.

She pursed her lips to the side as she made her way to the elevator and reached into her pocket.

It was the key card he had given her, way back when she lived here. She prayed that it didn't change. As she slipped it in, she was relieved to know that it still worked.

It took her all the way down to the basement, the same old place they were before.

This is where Lisa and Larry Lived. Mainly for the free rent due to Lisa being a maintenance woman.

Walking over she looked at the same door. 1B and smiled wide.

She raised her hand to knock but the door was opened suddenly, and in one swift motion, Larry had her in his arms and picked her up, spinning her around.

Had he been waiting for her? She thought.

"Hell yeah! this is so sick!" He cheered happily "it's good to see you man"

She giggled wildly and squeezed him tighter than ever.

"Oh my gosh lar-bear put the poor girl down! She must be so tired from the long drive!" Lisa jokingly scolded her son, earning an eye roll.

He put her down gently and stuffed his hands in his pockets, as he always did.

"Larry, I missed you so much" Y/N exclaimed smiling "you wouldn't believe the years I've had since I've left"

He scoffed playfully and smirked "tell me about it, my year has been bat-shit crazy"

"Then I can't wait to catch up, come on, let's go in your room and blast some good ass music!"

fall for you (Sally Face x Reader) BOOK ONE, COMPLETE (book two continues here)Where stories live. Discover now