Chapter Thirty-Four: Gotta Go Fast (Part 2)

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((Guys, look, the book didn't die again yet! Sh00k.))

Horror stood at her full height, glaring to the men as she brandished her middle finger at them, using her other hand to scratch at her cheek in an irritated manner. She stood ready to move at any time, if she so wanted. However, her actual movement was generally sparse. "Come at me, big boy, I can't wait to pop those fingers of yours off." She cracks her knuckles, her red eye glowing more.

One of the men, who seemed to have a fire based quirk, fired it off haphazardly at Horror who easily dodged it. If it were more of an 'Out of Control' quirk, she would not have been so easy. However, it short straight forward in and into the wall behind her. Several more movements from her to avoid the fire-breather and the other man proved that the quirk only went in one common direction, burnt out if it had not hit a target in a certain amount of time- and it exploded. (The explosion was small, but it did do substantial damage)

"So this is why I always ate my food raw back home." After quickly running at the men, Horror thought back to her quirk, she had yet to use it, but she knew it could really help her out about now. She was not used to it, as one would imagine, so she was notably apprehensive. Her Gaster-Blasters and Bone-Attacks were the only thing at the ready.

Both of the men looked disgusted and confused, but it was probably best to leave it that way. After some time and minor consideration. Just as the man with the quirk was about to use it again, they both stopped dead in their tracks when they notice that the girl was now standing there with two large ghostly axes. She gave them a wicked smile, before throwing the ghostly weapons at them.

She had waited a while to even use her quirk in the first place, mainly because she was not used to it, still, and because having a real weapon would feel much more comfortable on her hands.

The Ghostly Axes started to fly at the men quickly, connected to a chain that would draw them back to her if she called them (If she was remembering right) It seems that she could only really be badass in a fight if she was really in the zone, not annoyed and definitely not cornered. Horror really HATED being cornered. She hated it so much.

"All of you fuckers piss me off... you all wasted our time dragging us here, and to make it worse you are attacking people I ACTUALLY care about." The girl stated, pulling on the chain to make the weapons change direction when the men she threw them at went to dodge. She caught one of them, the ax going into his body from his back and coming out of it from the stomach.

There was no damage, internal, or external. That did not mean there was not any pain though. The man let out an angered, and pained scream, going to move it with his hands just for them to go through it. The other man soon was caught, and in the same situation. It seems they were not taught to withstand pain too well.

Horror walks over to them, going from a target to extremely intimidating. Scary. "We...." she forcefully dragged the chain toward herself, making the weapons cause more phantom pains to the men, both of them screaming in response. "Are going back-" She pulls again, walking over to one of them and putting her foot on his head, jabbing his face back in closer to the ground. "To the others." She finished, pulling again, gaining a weak nod in response from him as he tried to keep his mouth shut.

The other man was attempting to get up, or say something, trying to get attention on himself but Horror stopped him before he could do so. She pulls on the chain connected to him, sparing the one that was complying with her not-so-subtle demands. The man who was attempting to move away stops, letting out another scream of pain before seeming to pass out- most likely fainting do to immense pain.

"Now... if you don't scream- don't shout or cause me anymore trouble- I will consider letting you two keep your fingers." She leans down to them again, the one was passed out, but the one that was awake nodded vigorously, not wanting more pain.

"After this is over... I am retiring... I was not cut out for this..." he muttered under his breath shakily, though Horror still heard him. She wanted to remain silent, but she asked a question to him as she went to pick him up, slinging him over her shoulder for talking distance convenience. She flung the other man over her Gaster Blaster. It would cause the poor thing slight balance issues but it was not flying too high. It should be okay.

"... Why did you even get yourself into a job like that, dude?" Horror quirks a brow at him, before she sighs, and continued to walk along. "It is obvious that you guys are not very keen, and I mean total offense to you guys because you attacked me and my friends."

"Yeah... I figured you meant it." The man sighed. "I came to work here because it was the only place that really accepted me in it for me to pay my bills. A lot of us that work for Sosei have a relative compromised ability to find work just because we have been associated with crimes in the past. Understandably, we are treated as criminals..."

"I feel that pain, buddy. I feel ya."

((To Be Continued))

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