Chapter Thirty-Two: Day Four - Suspicious

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//Author's Note: Guys some part of me feels like I am dying, I swear. I can't see straight a lot of the time, I am really tired and have a lot of chores to do all the time. I need to complete school, and when I am done with school, dad is going to try and force me into a job and I have high social awkwardness as well as social anxiety. However, I can't work for home because I don't have contacts, connections, or even good jobs I could turn to. I am stressed all the time, and I don't know what to do guys. I need sleep and I can't get any at night. I am not allowed to sleep during daytime hours, because mum n pops won't let me. However, that is enough from me. Let's just get into the chapter. //

Sandra walks along the hallways of the building, seeing as she finished her dinner before anyone else had. She, of course, lingered nearby, knowing well that she should keep herself on guard. She wouldn't say it earlier, but now that she thought about it more, it was odd. Something was very, very off about Sosei. She simply seemed nice at first but now... she seemed... kind of looming.

It had been about 4 days since they all started their internship. Sosei was spending as much time around Sanra as possible. When Sandra was not around, she was in her office.

Even the other girls had noticed. Nightmare kept as much of a distance between herself, her friends, and Sosei as possible. Classic still had her friends in view, which was a bit of a relief, really. She contemplated grabbing Aizawa's phone number from her backpack, she should have known he was onto something. Their older teacher had a pretty good streak of following his gut. Even if he told no one about it.

With a sigh, Classic walks back into the kitchen, where the other girls were cleaning their dishes, talking to each other lightly. "Alright, we should get ready for bed." She mentioned to the others. "We have a long day tomorrow, and we should make sure we are well rested for training." She gave a concerned glance over to the door of the office where Sosei had been for the last couple hours. "Come on. She appears to be busy, we got our areas cleaned up, so we don't need to be excused."

All of the girls start to make their way down the hallway.

On their way, Nightmare started to get an overwhelming radiated feeling of malice and ill-intent. A lot of the other Sans variants felt it too, immediately crowding closer to each other as they made their way down the hallways of the building to where their rooms were. Classic leans closer to Nightmare, careful not to look too suspicious to the watching cameras.

She whispers to the other. "Make it look like I am telling you a joke. The cameras are watching." She watched Nightmare fakes a laugh, as she nodded. "Good... we need to get out of here. I am sure you still feel it too. We can't stay here, we are obviously in some kind of danger."

Nightmare fakes a large laugh, before nodding again. She leans in a whispers to Classic. "I know... it is pooling from the walls of this place." She stopped, letting Classic fake a laugh before continuing. With a forced, seemingly genuinely amused face plastered over her worried expression. "What do you think we should do? You tried to teleport and noticed you could not. There is something over this building."

"Yeah... I know. However, I think it is just because we are inside. Maybe we can still make a simple escape when we get out... hopefully." she fakes another laugh before looking at the ground. "Tell the others as soon as you get into the rooms. Get your bags put together. We HAVE to get going." Classic pulls out a card. "Here, seeing as I am in a room by myself, I need to hold them off. Take this number, and go call Aizawa on a payphone."

"Classic, you are dense if you think you can deal with all of them yourself. We are not leaving you here." Nightmare stated before narrowing her eyes. "We need a better plan, even if it means we all have to hang back to just make sure we can watch each other's backs."

With a reluctant sigh, Sandra nodded, before going into her room. She quickly packs up her supplies, before looking over to the window. That is most likely where all of them were going to be going out of their rooms to avoid immediate tracking in the hallway. Minutes of preparation pass, and Sandra was sitting on the windowsill looking for the other girls, who soon showed up at their sills as well. She nods to them, looking down to the ground that seemed to be quite a bit below all of them.

"Alright... just a little further, then we need to make a break for it..." Classic heard the firm tapping of heels on the ground from the hall, and urgently gestured for everyone to just jump. Those others already knew to gesture to anyone who might not have seen Sandra to do the same. Sandra could not use her teleportation- so she calls out to Error and Epic.

"Error, Epic, I need both of you to do something, fast! I know you can do this!" She tightly grasps her bookbag, making sure to keep all of her importing belongings from spilling out in case it was open. She double checks on the two other Sans variants, seeing they did not give her full assurance they knew what to do.

Error summoned up her two-doored pocket dimension, expanding it to make it large enough to catch all of them. The other door of the pocket dimension was placed right above the other, so they could fall in a continuum without hitting anything. Epic, all the while, was digging through her buttoned pockets, just barely able to fit her hand into it. She pulls out a large piece of cotton, trying to think of something to do.

"Oh no! Giant flying sheep!" She calls out, making the other girls look at her. Cross looked at the other, before calling back-

"Those are clouds-"

Epic let out a dramatic, somewhat soft scream, dropping the cotton. The cotton expanded, taking an almost cloud-like form. Once it was big enough, Error let loose the top part of the portal, and allowed them all to fall on what Epic had concocted.

"Alright, come on, come on. Move, Move Move. We need to get out of here before we get caught." Classic started to jog toward the sidewalk, abandoned on this somewhat cold night. There were sparse cars, or people. Even in a city such as this no one walked around too much at night time. Even in the last few nights, they had not done as such. It was even more suspicious now that she put more major thought into it.

"So what are we going to do?" Killer asked, as she buckled the strap of her backpack over her chest. We can't outrun them forever, and I doubt we will get out of here without ANY confrontations." She whispered to the other girls.

"Yeah, that is true, but that does not mean we should give up right here, either." Horror mentioned, keeping her eyes peeled for any more possible obstacles they may need to pass just to get out of the area.

"I was not implying that, I know that Horror." Killer mentioned loosely, before sighing. "Did we do something wrong here, too, or something?" she was starting to think the curse of being in trouble would follow them everywhere.

"No, No, No, Killer. You did nothing wrong. WE did nothing wrong." Classic whispers to the other as they kept up the pace. "We are in a world of heroes, and villains. This world just works this way. Nothing happened to us yet, but we all obviously know something is up. Thus, we should follow our gut instinct." Sandra mentioned, patting the other on the head as they still kept running. Turning a corner to try and seek out a pay phone for use.

"I guess you do have a point." Killer mumbled out, before she looked to the left. "Wait, I think I see a payphone over there... come one let's-"

Before they could do anything, the area where the payphone rested was swiftly blown up within a careful radius. Looking back, Sosei was standing there with a couple of her men.

"Where do you girls think you are going at this hour?"

// To be Continued //

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