Chapter Twenty-Eight: Breaking the Fast

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((Author's Note: Well look who it is again, me. Trust me, it is not all that enlightening, but I am still here. LOL. Anyways, I am trying to figure out something to do, for another intermission chapter, but I think I should just jump into the internships. That way there is something truly interesting going on. As I pondered before, I will NOT be putting Sandra and the others anywhere near the Stain fight. That fight is pretty important to the arc in BNHA, and I do not want to completely taint it. Besides, even if Sandra is the main character in this story, she doesn't need to be present in every single canonical event. Most of the time, when people do that, they want to make characters seem so much better than everyone else around them. Sandra is a great fighter, and her group would likely have an easy time beating most bad guys. Hence why I am holding them back from that event.))


((Pre-Chapter Note: I made another couple characters for this chapter, as well as a non-canon location. I don't want to use characters that I have had no exposure to at all for good development. (I was thinking of Gang Orca, but I still don't know too much about him though. Gang Orca is pretty dang cool.)

After a short night of fun, and some good rest, all of the girls woke up in the morning to Sandra letting her alarm go off in their ears. "Wake up sleepy heads!" She called to them, grinning as several of them groan. It was impressive just how easily she got up to alarms now, really. Despite this fact, she was still, somehow, incredibly lazy-looking. Especially in public.

"Ugh.... c'mon Classic, can we have, like, 5 more years?" Dust lightly groans before stuffing her face back into her pillow. "I don't wanna get up... not yet..."

"I felt that way when I first started to attend human schools here. Trust me, you get used to it. Come on, up and at them. I got us all some water ready, but we are going to eat at the school today. Those lunch-people don't get enough appreciation." Sandra laughs at the other lightly before she walks over and tapped on her shoulder.

"Fiiiiine-" Dust pulls herself from bed, several of the others were already in the process of getting up from where they were sleeping. "Let's get going."

"Get dressed first, dork." Sandra chuckled before she stood up. She goes over to her closet, pulling out her 'Hero-in-Training' costume. All of the other students had gotten their costumes early, she had gotten hers late and refused to use it until now. Seeing as they were going to be going through the internships, she might as well.

The other girls were not going to be getting their own costumes for another day or so. Then it was going to be 'tele-mailed' to them by someone in the facility who had the ability to tele-transport objects. Really convenient, actually. Which was a good thing.

Soon after they all had gotten their notices about being accepted into the school, there was a secondary message that came through, and notified them that told them if they had hero costume designs picture-sent to them within the next couple hours, they were going to have the costumes made within the next 12-14 hours and double-checked within the next stent of time.

Quite nifty, actually.

It took awhile for everyone to figure out what they wanted to wear. Along with trying to figure out measurements. Most hero costumes were more desired to be closer-to-your-skin. Hero costumes that were tighter, or at least less loose-fit were easier to maintain and manage. It was also a good way of reducing how much of your clothes can get caught on something.

(Guys, I promise, I am working on Sandra's design. I just can't draw it the way I want to :'DD. I don't know why I am doing this to myself, honestly. Now I need to both come up with human designs for the other Sanses AND hero costumes. *coUghS IN PaIN*)

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