Chapter Eleven: Bone Sweet Bone

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Authors Note: I remember when the sky was blue. Now it is about as colorful as my personality. It may be monochrome, but it is still interesting, if I do say-so myself.

"Principal Nezu, may we have a moment of your time?"

A small, firm-postured animalia-based man turns around from staring out the window. He had often made it a point to stand at the windows of the school when school was over, and after a teachers conference. He always made sure to stand there in case he would bear witness to any crimes by passers-by and traitorous scandals.

"Yes, please do come in." The pale man gets off of the small seat that he stood perched on, before walking over to his desk with simple urgency. "I am sure you are all in here about the case of that Sandra girl, correct?"

"Yes. I would ask how you knew, but I am sure it is a similar feeling to what I have felt over the last couple days. As well as some other parents." Beru looks over to the principal of the school, before taking a seat in the chair.

She knew her daughters and son were right outside the door. Tsuyu was respectful enough to not listen in, and even if she did, she was not the gossiping type.

"I am aware. Please tell me your concerns. I am sure I can try to understand them, or I might share them with you already. While we get ready for this though, shall we fix some warm tea to continue this conversation on? We may be here for a little while."

"That would be wonderful." Ganma chipped in, respectfully, bowing to the teacher as he went to adjust his sitting posture in the chair.

// Guys, I am not going to subject all of you to another chapter of boring adult conversations right away. However, I do believe the conversation will be vital to the story because I wanna make sure to keep the info vital, and relevant. //

// It was also brought up with me that shipping 'Sans/Sandra' with a teenage character would be awkward (Though the person that brought it up was NOT hating on me. They respect my story decisions.) Sans is an adult. Sandra is a teenage embodiment of Sans in the BNHA universe. So I will go over that more. //

After a long hour of talking to Recovery Lady, and convincing the woman she was well enough to go home, she stood at the front doors of the school. She was allowed to walk home, but she had to be escorted (or have a teacher 'body-guard' with her) on her way home. It was just to make sure there were no complications.

She stands at the glass keeping her pale hand up to it, as a means of entertainment. She presses her fingers up against letters on the door, going about tapping on different ones in a pattern unknown to even herself.

She seemed to be transfixed. Broken out of it only by the monotone voice of her teacher, and a hand on her shoulder.

"It's time to go. I trust that you are ready to start heading home?" Aizawa asked his student before retracting his hand. His face was still bandaged up, and probably would be for the next little while. After all, he was beat up fairly bad from that fight.

Looking at him, Sandra did start to feel a bit bad for that bit of grief she did cause him during her stay in the nurse's office. She looks away, feeling the guilt eating away at her. Thinking back to the incident, she pulls her hand up to the scarf, once again around her neck. She was always going to be thankful to Yao, Mina and Aoyama for fixing it.

However, she also knew that as soon as she got home, she would have to retire it. The scarf gave her a sense of security that nothing else would ever give her. However... the object getting shredded only tore her up inside. Knowing she could never wear it in battle was less painful than knowing that she would never see it ever again.

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