Chapter Sixteen: Sports Festival (Part 1)

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Authors Note: hAhA wE dIDn'T coME HErE foR thE sPORtS FestIvAl. I rEaLLY dON'T WaNNa wRiTE aBOUt ThiS ParT, BuT I wILL, sO iT doEs NoT lOOk lIke I Am BeIng LazY-

After boarding the bus, all of the students made sure to go to their usual seats. Seeing as there was no scheduled seats, they just had a spot they always chose to sit at. Sandra sat next to Kirishima, though most of the time was spent talking to the others that she had not seen in about 4 years now.

Surprisingly there was almost nothing to talk about, but that did not mean that they were not able to find words. In fact, Horror and Error found plenty. Horror was constantly asking the other if she was okay, and Error was lightly scolding her for scaring them half to death.

Sandra laughed to herself about the scolding. Here she was, usually acting as more of a parental figure, and Error was in front of her rambling about safety, and being being worried for not seeing Sandra for so long. Nightmare smiled, keeping her arms crossed over her chest She looks around the bus, taking note of how odd everyone looked, for them being humans.

Killer and Dust talked to Sandra excitedly about loose topics in the past that would not give away too much about themselves, or about them being from different worlds. Then, after some time, Dust and Killer went to playing tic-tac-toe in a notebook provided by Yaoyorozu. The girl payed close attention to the bunch. At some point, Cross went over to sit next to her, so Horror and Sandra could be closer to talk after she had gotten in her own chance to enjoy some time with her long-time missing friend.

Yaoyorozu looked at Cross's long hair, and was just astounded by how pretty her hair was. Really by how pretty all their hair was. Momo prided her hair, which is why she never cut it. She practically had sparkles in her eyes.

"Are you okay there? You seem dazed." Cross mentioned out to the other in a passive, but friendly manner. The scarf she wore covered her face, mainly because she kept her face pointed down.

"Oh, I am so sorry, it is rude to stare. I was just admiring your hair, it looks so nice..." Yao mentioned to the other, half tempted to touch it. She couldn't help it, their hair just looked so soft, and nice. As someone who prided her hair, she was somewhat put to shame. Her pride in her hair was one of the only reasons she didn't cut it. However, she was starting to consider tying her hair in different styles that would keep it closer to her head, and harder to grab.

"Oh, well thank you. I think...?" Cross, not having hair before slightly over a couple hours ago, was not sure how to respond. However, the girl liked her hair. Cross didn't think much of it, to be honest. However, it was fun to play with.

"Can I braid it, before we get to he Festival area? I understand you don't really know me, and I know it is awkward, but I just want something to do." Momo was blushing, completely embarrassed. Cross shrugged, before pulling what little bit of hair she had tucked under her scarf out. The other smoothed her hair out, and started to braid it lightly.

Cross closed her eyes, and found herself relaxed. She almost fell asleep a couple times, but she managed to stay awake. Seemingly enough, she was content, and enjoyed the feeling of her hair being styled. She wondered if all humans felt the same way, though it seemed to be more of an objective thing. So maybe not.

After some more time of driving, and minimal shenanigans, all of the students had arrived at the sports festival. A pro hero named 'Midnight' made several long announcements, though they were still necessary nonetheless. Then, several students went up to the podium, made inspiring claims (or a cocky, blatant statement about as dry as Bakugo's soul.) and went to go and prepare in locker rooms.

Nightmare, Error, Horror, Killer, Cross and Dust were all waiting up in the stands. After all, they were not in the hero course. In fact they had no idea how any of this shit works. They were just thrown into this universe.

Oddly enough, it was due to Horror being Horror.

To specify, Horror was like one of those affectionate and good kids. However, when she wanted whatever she wanted, he would break all the rules to get to it. Plain and simple. She did not like to listen, most likely because she was stuck under the thumb of her own world's Undyne for so long.

Even when she was working under Nightmare as more of a slave than a companion, she would refuse to listen to rules and often got herself into a deep load of trouble.

All of the girls chatter among themselves, and each other in a yearn for entertainment. Soon enough, the time comes for all of the classes to meet in the center of the arena-like training area. Everyone is given their instructions, and soon, an alarm sounds for the students to begin the race.

// Authors Note: Ah shit, I don't remember most of the first event. Time for some lazy, creative liberties. Come on guys, we all know that Sandra can breeze through all of this obstacles. She can fucking teleport. :'D //

All of the students start off their first round with running, in order to make it to the next course. It was obvious that there would be much harder tasks to complete. There always were. Sandra just walked for the main course, making people boo at her. She didn't really care though. She, her classmates, several teachers and the other versions of herself all knew very well it was just a ploy.

She continued to walk along, and eventually made it to the second part of the course. (Was there robots for them to defeat? I can't remember- well, there is now, if there was not before-)

By this time, she was already pretty far behind her classmates. Yawning, she brings her hands up behind her head, listening to the announcer, Present Mic.

"Uh oh! It looks like Sandra is going to be out for the count if she does not catch up to her team mates! Let's hope and pray that she can make it to that finish line!"

Aizawa was heard on the speaker after the more obnoxious teacher was done speaking. His voice dull, and calculating.

"Let's not jump to brash assumptions. By the way she is so relaxed, I would imagine she has something in mind." He stated loosely.

Sandra pulls to a stop before yawning. "All this walking has tired me out. Imma just end it right here." She stated, loud enough for quite a few people in the crowd to hear her, because of the improved, and impressive speaker system the stadium had. Several students from other classes and schools had no idea what was going on, but several of them grew confidant that they had just lost some competition.

Sandra had seen the finish line of the stadium when she was making her way to the locker rooms earlier. Despite it being far away, she knew where it was. Meaning that a shortcut there would be a piece of cake.

After closing her eyes with a concentrated thought, she abruptly vanished in a quick flash of blue light, and reappeared right in front of the finish line, where she promptly walks across. That way no one could argue that she did not 'cross the finish line'. After making her way across the line, she waits with her hands tucked in her pockets, standing off to the side.

Nightmare and the others sit there in the crowd, watching in fond amusement.

"Well, that was anti-climactic. Definitely Sans alright." Error sighed, laughing a little to herself as the word 'Error' flashed over her head a couple times. "What a surprise. Really had them going there, didn't h- she."

"Well, as Sans always said, she is an 'Energy Conservative'. I guess one of the best ways to get to victory is to make the enemy believe they have already won." Nightmare noted before leaning back in her seat, crossing one leg over the other.

"I swear Sans can find a way around almost everything.." Killer mumbled, chuckling to herself.

Soon enough, the race finishes with Midoriya coming in second place, and Bakugou and Todoroki coming in tied for third.

"That's a wrap for this round folks. Stay tuned for Round 2! Sandra really has impressed and surprised many of the audience. What a trickster!" Present Mic laughs over the intercom, before it turns off again.

Cheers erupt from the audience, and the students all gather in front of Midnight to hear about the second phase, before going to get ready in the locker rooms.

// To Be Continued //

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