Chapter Fifteen: Last Minute Guests

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// Authors Note: Am I actually getting out another chapter in ONE day? I am impressed! Well, that is, if I complete it before the day is over. Anyways, I am sure a lot of you are already awaiting the other Sanses to show up that I brought up chapters ago. So, to prove that was not a random ass set of lines; Prepare for trouble, and make it double- wait...uh... *Counts them again.* Well shit- //

After reaching class, Sandra walks over to her desk, sitting down in her seat. Mister Aizawa was sure to be late, of course, but not so much so to where it interrupted the schedule. After she takes the moment to sit down, Mina was crowding around her desk with sparkles in her golden eyes.

"Oh. My. Goodness. Look at your hair! It is so cute!! What brand of Scrunchie is it??!" Mina was bouncing up and down in place with her arms close to her chest. She asks if she can look at the tag on the object, to which Sandra nodded. "What's 'Mettaton Int.' ? "

"Oh, right, I didn't tell you. This is is from one of my friends who used to have their own brand. Sorry, I should have said something sooner." Sans laughs a little before pulling her hair tighter to her head.

"One of your friends used to have a brand?" Mina was getting even more excited. "Do they have pink?? Maybe I can buy a few!"

"I am afraid that he no longer has the brand. But yes, they came in pink. He was all about pink black and gray. I guess you can say it practically made up his entire being. How about this, pal; I can give you one of my pink ones. I am sure I will never get around to using all of them."

"Yes please!"

"Alright class. Sit down, or you will get points docked from your scores during the Sports Festival." Aizawa dully stated as he was walking through the door. He closes it behind him, aware most of the students were scurrying back to their own seats. As soon as he set up his folder, he took notice that all of the students had went back to their seats. "Good enough, for now."

Before the teacher could go on to say anything else, there was a loud clap of thunder outside, as well as the blinding shine of lightening. A vortex forms from the clouds, which were quickly turning gray despite their pure white color just seconds before.

All of the class stays seated, but they look out the window, intrigued. Most of them tried to keep their attention on their teacher, however, all attention was soon lost when lighting struck the window. Glass shattered, and a whole bunch of screams were heard before several forms came falling through the ceiling.

With how short the distance was from the floor of the class to the ceiling of it, Sandra didn't have time to move or even consider teleportation before she was promptly landed on by at least five people.

"Get your stinky feet out of my face, Error!" came a voice, before another one pipes up from under them, heaving a bit from the weight over their body.

"This is your fault, Horror. I told you not to interfere with the process of opening portals. Ever since Ink closed them off, I have to open them a more delicate way." The voice glitched and played several words over right after they had been finished, as if it were some kind of skipping disk.

"If you all don't shut the hell up, I am going to lock you all out of the fucking house when we get out of this mess." Another voice grumbled out before they all stop arguing with each other, looking around the room awkwardly. "Horror, when we get out of this mess, you and I are going to have a word-"

Aizawa was staring at them in a stunned stupor, but nevertheless, he summoned up his scarf, and starts to walk toward the group, ready to attack, if need be. All of the students were automatically getting into various defensive stances, ready to defend themselves, and to remove Sandra from the bottom of the heap.

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