Chapter Thirty-Seven: Casual Travelings

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((Authors Note: Guys, literally, I am trying to make sure I do not intrude on every major event in the book, because most timeline crossovers seem to like doing that. I am sorry if it get's boring for the next few chapters. i don't want all of it to just be action and constant peril either, because that will just make any actual turning points in the plot kinda dull. IDK what I should do, so for right now- it is deceleration time. Imma have the girls do something fun again.))

The trip home was not too much of anything new. They just walked, and talked together as most friends would. The teachers, of course, had to get their statements on the events that had taken place and the lackeys were all checked for injuries that could lead to major warnings on a heroes verification degree later in their life.

Several more statements, comments and other such things from the opposing team. It turns out most of them were just sore people looking for jobs because of not being able to find work anywhere else. It was just about as good as any, as long as they had somewhere to sleep, and were getting paid. For others, they did go in with very much noted malice and mal-intent, but they never got to that stage of their career to do so. Sosei herself was given the highest charge, with being sent to prison and given several fines on the counts of fraud, impersonation of heroism, and tampering with government and city files to make it look like she was a registered agency in the system.

Still, no one knows how she was able to do so much in such a short amount of time, considering how recently she showed up.

Horror managed to convince several of the officers to offer up manual labor for a decreased sentence in the slammer, namely for those few the just had a feeling were good people in the wrong place, at the wrong time, and especially with the wrong job. Struggling was difficult and sometimes people just have to go to the last resorts necessary to ensure their survival.

Sandra understood completely. They all did, so all of them vouched in the same favor that Horror had. They didn't yet know if it had been approved of, though. Only time would tell on that subjects behalf.

"So... whatta'e gon' do now, broski? We're kind'a scrubbed ova' n'till class sta'ts again 'n a couple days, broha." Fresh sighs, her lingo was always confusion, it often confused Error the most, based on them being, well, somewhat related. Fresh was based on a certain time period, yes- but how could someone speak something so confusing so easily?

"I already know our training is screwed over until class starts back up, so I suppose I can show you guys some other places in town seeing as our own worlds, and the multi-verse void we all went to for our 'peace treaties' don't have much to do." Sandra opted to the others, before gesturing down a near street. "Wanna go have some fun before we hit the hay? I know a great place to get a bite and have fun."

Nightmare nodded passively, but the thought of doing something new made her more willing to show some sort of facial enthusiasm. Horror and Killer both eagerly nodded, seeming to indicate that they were just as exited for a new experience, or they were just bored. Error didn't really do much, but Sandra could tell that she was equally as interested, otherwise she would have objected to it already. As for Cross and Epic, they were just too distracted, memeing with each other at the back of the group. Currently going on their 24th round of 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'.

"....Tired..." Dust stated from the back of the group, yawning as she pulls her scarf closer to her face. "I wanna go, but I'm tired..." She sighed, before yawning again.

Sandra thought for a moment, before sighing, shaking her head with a smile. "Dust, I know you have personal space qualms, most of the time. But- do you want a piggy back ride so you can sleep until we get there? It is a bit of a walk."

Dust stood there, looking at Sandra like she grew a second head. "What-"

Sandra walks closer to Dust, grinning as she picked the other up quickly, making sure to be careful. "You didn't object to it, sooo, you are getting a ride. Come on, get some sleep. We will be there soon." The Classic version of them chuckled, before starting to walk again.

Dust was flushed out of embarrassment for a short while, but she did not object to the generosity. She instead leans her head down on Sandra's shoulder and falling asleep barely even 2 minutes after closer her eyes. She starts to lightly snore, bringing her fingers back into her jacket to tuck them in away from the modest chill in the air.

Nightmare didn't have a phone, but if she did, she most likely would have taken a picture if given the chance to do so. She smiled more, before looking forward.

Horror and Killer went to playing a game of 'Would you Rather' with each other as the walk continued, Error joining in later. Fresh went to talk to Epic and Cross, all three of them continuing the game of "Rock, Paper, Scissors' for the nth time. There was still yet to be a winner, In all honesty, even they lost count of how many rounds they had played.

After failure upon failure to surpass each other in the previous game, they all started to play 'Thumb Wars' instead. A three way thumb wars game was definitely interesting to see, considering one of them had to either walk sideways or backwards to keep up with the rest of the group. Soon enough, Fresh one the game, taking the win with high pride and good sport.

Nightmare stayed near Classic, just in case she needed a break from carrying the tired Dust on her back. They talked about some minor instances that had to do with the multiverse, and even the encounters that Sandra had in this world, for the several years she had been here now. Several near-death experiences, and other such information. Just as they were getting to something serious, Sandra stops all of them, before looking back.

"Alright guys, we are here."

Everyone stares on in astonishment, admiring where they had been lead to.

((To Be Continued))

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