Chapter Eight: Hospital Worries

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Authors Note: hAhAhAhAhA- Guess who it is after about 2-2 & 1/2 weeks? That's right, buckaroos, it's this guy- *le lenni face* .... Yeah. As you can tell, I am sleep deprived, ludicrous, and I am kinda craving Pringles, Let us just get into the story, lmao.

Hours ticked by, and the day had slowly managed to blend itself into night time.

Sans was kept in the school nurse's office, because if she was sent to the hospital with no parental background, and no other sources to be called, the authorities or child services we likely to be called. For one reason, or another. Most of the orphaned children were sent to other cities, or even neighboring countries, because cities in Asia were always vastly populated.

Recovery Girl had come in several times to make sure Sans was still stable, checking the girls temperature, and bodily damage. However, she didn't mention anything about the... death to her.

How would one say to someone else that they had died and been revived by a bit of pure luck? How does one come to terms with the fact they had died at all? It all seemed so painfully annoying. However, that does not mean that it was a waste of time to the olden medic. She was genuinely concerned more than anything else.

The students had stayed in late with Aizawa, who made sure to be around constantly, in case anything was needed for his most damaged student. Even if she had been put in the hospital, Sandra proved herself to be very competent. That, though also means he should pay attention to her far more closely. If she was able to make a villain who was set out on carnage turn ALL of his attention to her, there was a good chance direct vengeance could be a next, far more bold step.

Villains all worked differently.

So no one would ever know for sure.

Most of the students parents either wait out in the parking lot, in worry for their children, or they come in, seeing as a lot f people would not want to be outside away from their kids with what had easily transpired. All of them stood in the hallway, sitting on doors, or the floor that lie firmly beneath their seats.

"I don't know how she is going to react to visitors at the moment... however you can try to go in there. Feel free to come and get me if any of you need me. I will be in my office, getting medical supplies put together for classrooms. I will have an alarm in my room if any of her equipment starts to fail, or if it detects something off with her healing process." The recovery girl opened the girl to Sandra's room walking away after lingering by, in case there was an immediate breakdown.

Sandra looks over to the door, seeing almost all of her classmates filing in one at a time. They all looked immensely worried. Sans face didn't change from what it was as for a few seconds, however, she soon altered her expression, in hopes that no one had noticed her yet.

She let her body relax, and leaned herself up against the backboard of the bed, her monitor going at a steady rate. Mina, Uraraka, Iida, and Midoriya were among the first to go up to her, and see if she was okay with small questions. They made sure not to overwhelm her though.

Sans smiled up at that, though it was obvious that she was exhausted. No normal humans eyes ever seemed to be so droopy, or darkened the way the bags under her eyes seemed to present. She greeted them passively, as if she were in there for no other reason than a broken leg from a biking accident.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? You could have gotten yourself killed!" Iida scolded her, though it was firm, he didn't yell, after all, he didn't know if she had a headache. He sighed, and crossed his arms. "Sans, you fought out there, and fought long and hard." He paused.

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