Chapter Nineteen: Home Destination

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((Authors Note: I am not doing too much better, peeps, but I have gotten a bit better over the last few days. Hello again, I am glad to be back. I have started public schooling again, so I still will not update at a constant rate. I hope you all will understand, and will continue to support each other through these times. I look forward to chatting to you comment makers again when I get the new chapter uploaded. Have a good read!))

The end of the Sports Festival Event was entertaining, to say the least. After she had voluntarily stepped out of bounds, and mocked Bakugo, in a sense, all of the winners were brought to the stands. Bakugo was restrained, yelling around about how he did not want first prize when he did not truly win. He even mentioned wanting to punch in Sandra's face for losing on purpose, struggling to avoid the 1st place prize all-the-while.

Sandra stood lazily on her 2nd place platform, falling asleep after a little while. After solidly falling asleep, seeing as she was standing up, some 'Z's' started to appear over her head. Something that happened only while she stood and slept at the same time.

Some of the crowd laughed, while others roll their eyes in annoyance or disappointment. Todoroki stood on the third-place platform, and Tokoyami was the runner up in fourth place. Sans never caught who was in fifth, though.

After the finishing announcements, all of the classes waited for injured students to heal up a little bit. After passing by Iida, Sandra noticed that the class president was quite upset about something. Something in his eyes made her uneasy. She knew that look of determination and hatred only meant one thing. Something she had chased day in and day out in her own original home.


Something serious had definitely happened. However, Sandra didn't know what she should do. She had the Tenya child had not really spoke to each other too much. Against her doubt though, she teleport herself, in an attempt to catch up to him. "Hey there, Iida. You looked upsetti. What's eatin' ya?" Sans sit down on the large wall she landed on, looking down at him in concern, and modest playfulness.

Iida seemed to not appreciate the goody word used on him, but he swallowed his annoyance. It was not Sandra's fault he was in the mess he was in. However, he could not afford to get anyone brought into this problem of his, either. He smiled a bit, though it was stiff, and looks over to the white-haired girl that rested on the fence.

"I am quite fine, Sandra. My brother is in the hospital is all, and I am worried." The bluenette mentioned to her, before he sighs. That obviously was not all of it, however, at least he was not lying.

Sandra could not pry information from him, that would be rude, and an invasion of privacy. The girl only could let him leave. After all, she has no right to keep him where he was. She sighs to herself, and makes a note to talk to the broccoli brawler about his friends obvious disdain. Maybe he would have an easier time getting the other to release some stress or pain that he is obviously hiding.

After closing her eyes and summoning up her powers to teleport, Sandra appears next to the bus where her classmates and alternate versions all stood together. Iida was walking that way from the mouth of the stadium, weaving through the never ending crowd of people.

"Classi- I mean, Sandra, there you are? I thought you were already on the bus! What's up?" Horror went to pat the original version of herself on the back, smiling a little awkwardly from almost letting the word 'Classic' slip from her mouth. "So, did you have fun somewhat lazing around the competition today?"

Sandra laughs at the other before flicking her lightly on the forehead. "Of course I did, I was not lazy about it you doof. I will have you know I was following the good 'ol laws of being an 'energy conservative.' She winks to the other, which earns a light slap on the back of the head from Nightmare, who laughs a little bit.

Mister Aizawa slowly made it to the front of his class, holding a clipboard in hand, as well as several documents that hung loose on top of the clip board. "Alright class, guests, hurry up and sit down. We need to get moving before it gets dark. A lot of your parents do not like you kids going to night time at that hour either. Even if it is just to go home."

Soon enough, all of the students file into the bus. Sandra sits in her seat next to Bakugo, who was scowling on the entire way back home. Something still common for him, at this point. Sandra decided not to bother him, and instead turns her attention to Nightmare and the rest of the gang.

"So Nightmare, how have thing been back at ... home?" Sandra tried to word her sentence carefully. She was genuinely interested, by she could not risk exposing too much about them and the other Sanses to these guys. That would just lead to more questions that she would not be ready to answer. Hell, she was barely ready to answer the ones she knew she was going to have to deal with when they got to school tomorrow.

"Things were rather hectic, as you can tell. The others were offset or excited all the time. What can we say, we wanted our mamma back. Error can't cook, though she has gotten better-" Nightmare was interrupted bu Error leaning over her lap, grinning-

"Hello, I heard someone was talking shit about me-" Nightmare jumped up a bit before letting out a soft gasp of shock.

"Who the hell is you?" She asked, looking down at the other. Error only let herself give a sly grin to Nightmare, before pridefully announcing-

"I am you-"

"Where did you come from? What are you? When did you get here? Why are you here? Are you an alien? Do you like the color pink? What would you do if I-" Nightmare started to playfully shovel out questions at an alarming speed, making Error's head spin.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa there, buckaroo. Calm your hourses and let me process the first question! I am a malware, not a data collecting recipient!" The girl crossed her arms, and glared gruffly up to the other, her cheeks puffed up in moderate annoyance.

Sandra took her time to poke the others cheeks. Error's face decompressed, letting out a 'pffffftttbbt' noise. Almost like a whoopee cushion. Who would have thought? Sandra laughs at the other, her eyes watering a bit in amusement.

Error just blushed and looked away before grumbling.She went to go and sit up, but she found that her foot was being held by someone. Horror was there, holding the others leg, grinning a bit. "Mine now, Error." She said briefly, before going to just tap on the calf of the others leg in moderate interest.

Sandra smiled to her friends, sighing in content as the slowly coming sunset sheds calming light in through the windows of the bus. The white haired girl lets her hair out of the lazy pony tail she had put it into, and leans her head against the back of the seat. Closing her eyes, she smiled, falling asleep for the rest of the trip back home.

//To Be Continued.//

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