Chapter Two: Basic Training

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// Authors Note: Ah, yes, guess who is posting twice in one day? I am. I am here with the game plan for chapter number two. Hopefully, it will go as smooth as the first chapter had. Comments, opinions, and suggestions for ships are always going to be appreciated. I am not much of a flat out romance writer, but I wanna try my hand at a ship this time. Until next time, and have fun, peoples. //

If there was anything that Sans was not completely fond of, it was movement. There was always something about work, and generalized 'Activity' that she could not bring herself to appreciate. Maybe it was because she was simply lazy, or perhaps it was some deep resonating reason she had yet to even figure out within herself.

Whichever way the pizza was sliced, it did not make this situation any more amusing than she had already seen it as.

Yes, 'Amusing'.

Was that what she really wanted to call it?

She wanted to be a hero, to keep people safe, but she was still very, very lazy. There was no need to hide it, it was plainly obvious to most who saw her. A slouched posture, lazy attitude, and barely notable motive. In a pro-heroes eyes, she might come off as incompetent, because of appearing so nonchalant.

"Alright, first, we are going to be doing the ball-throwing test. I will be assessing your scores from Junior High, and calculating how much you improved between that time, and now." The dark haired man mentioned to his students loosely, before he adjusting a digital calculator in his hands. "Sandra, you may come up here first."

Sans pulls her hands up behind her head, the back side of her hair was tied in a lose pony-tale on the base of her head; messy, of course, as long as it was all in one general area. "A'ight teach."

Walking up to the man, she grabbed the ball with her hand, before looking at it. She thought back to when her, her brother, and the kid had to deal with one of his traps set up for humans. Frisk balanced the ball so easily on their head, it seemed unnatural. She smiled at the bitter-sweet memory, before walking to the line provided by the course instructor.

"Sandra Gaster, last record was 67.9 meters. You may proceed." Aizawa leans back, watching the white-haired girl with a calculative look of indecisive boredom. Something common for him to be seen with. Looking back at his other students, he took note on how tense they were, most likely due to the threat of being expelled if they got the lowest grade.

Good. If they are going to be in this school, they better be trying their hardest. If they were not to try their hardest on an assignment, there would be no proof of their dedication, and efforts to be here in the first place.

The way he saw it was 'Try your hardest at ALL times, or don't try at all. Don't waste your own time, and and someone else's'

Watching the girl he had handed the ball too, he easily took note of her lazy demeanor and tired eyes. Her slumped posture and sleeping habits in the classroom and before the entrance exam a few short days ago. Sleeping standing up was quite a feat. Something that would not do anyone any good, sadly.

He sighed to himself with all of these thoughts in mind.

Aizawa had never liked punishing children, or making them feel bad. He was just blunt. If someone was not cut out for a task, he could almost always tell right away. This girl though, for as short of a time as he had, was hard to read.

Her fighting footage, and skills were so simple, and she seemed to know a lot of what to do with it as a whole. She easily took down the robots she had come to face. She barely even had to move.

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