Chapter Twenty-Nine: Wheels on the Bus

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((Authors Note: F r e K. Here we go again, people.))


Class was started with the common ringing of the bell overhead. All of the students get up from their seats, disposing of their food as they start to make their way to the doors nearby. One after another, they all file out, and pour into the hallway, eager to get to their classes. If not for the factor of learning, they were likely just trying to avoid getting any 'tardy' notices.

Class 1a were all rather enthralled, to say the least. Even if they didn't show how excited they were, one could tell.

Sandra and her friends all stood in a large circle, being as Mister Aizawa said that there was no REAL reason to sit down. They would all be preparing to get on their respective transportation routes soon enough. All of the students had packed bags and kept only the necessary items with them that they thought could prove useful during their 1-week-long trip away from the school.

Beru and Ganma had come to school to give something to Tsuyu before she left. Upon arriving at school, they had spotted Sandra again, this time with several other students that looked similar to her, if not twin-like. It was shocking to see so many students that looked that alike, even in a place such as this.

The couple still couldn't help but think about Sandra a lot. Even the young Kyoka's parents thought about her often. However, they did decide to lay off, just for a bit longer. They knew pressuring anyone to do anything when there was both no real threat, and no way to do anything without being suspicious. There was a good chance that the government might very well try to take Sandra somewhere if her lack of information is discovered.

Now there were more of them, and it was evident that none of them were parents or even guardians for the white haired girl. They were all around her age, if not a tad younger.

Beru had thought about Sandra constant the few days that she had known the youngster. Barely even known, really. She heard quite a bit about her from Tsuyu during their dinner conversations. Asui, of course, has not talked to her much, but she did have obvious opinions about nearly everyone she had in her class. None of them were too bad.

She just wondered if she should ever actually ask the girl what was going on. Asking head on might seem brash, but it just irked the older frog woman that she is in services to help children, and she can't even help this one because of just how mysterious her presence even is.

After talking to her spirited, calm daughter, Beru gave her a pat on the head, and went on her way, praying for the safety of all of these students. Getting in her car, she took her turn to drive them all home.

Sandra looks over the letters that she had been given, and read over the kind words and intrigue expressed by all of the agencies that had contacted her. There were even kind words for her friends. Something she was not expecting, but it was a welcome surprise. There was a good chance that all of the agencies had received the footage of Nightmare and the others during their initiation training soon after decisions were made for them to be accepted to UA.

The one that Sandra and everyone else selected though was from a woman named 'Sosei Ketsueki' She seemed to be a 20 year old, impressive that she was already a pro hero. Her hero name was 'Miracle Blanca' and her Hero Agency was called something along the lines of 'Wings of Life'.

(( Note: Sosei / 蘇生 /means resuscitation. This meaning is Kanji sensitive. Putting in 'Sosei' instead of ' 蘇生' will get you the word 'composition'. Her last name, Ketsueki, means blood. All together, her name can be summed up as 'Blood of Resuscitation'.))

"Alright, ready to go, guys?" Sandra double-checks the belongings that she had been given, several of which repeat the action, just in case.

"Yeah, we are all ready to go." Killer zips her backpack back up before looking to the others and sighing in a sense of relief. "I hope we have a good internship. We still don't know too much about this place, so can you tell us more about it on our way there? You said the drive would take a few hours, right?"

"Yeah, that about sums it up, pal." Sandra heard the puffing of a nearby engine, most likely a bus, judging by how large it sounded. "I will tell you guys as much as I have learned, alright? As soon as we board, we can have what people like to call a 'study group' in a sense. Sounds like a plan?"

"Sounds good to me, Bruh. I need to learn to learn more about this world before trying to go too crazy with deez powers, bruh." Epic mumbled, before looking to the doors as the rest of the girls all line up.

Sandra walks to the back of the line, making sure that nothing is lost, forgotten, or dropped. Just before she could get on the bus, though, a hand touches her shoulder. Looking back, Aizawa was there. "I have already said this to all of the students that were not gone yet- make sure not to cause any trouble. These people are nice enough to take you in for training, I expect you to show them respect. All of you." Aizawa pulls Sandra off to the side more, before sighing. "I have not been exposed to this hero before. I have only ever heard of her, and she hardly seems to have a presence. I implore you to be careful, got it?"

Sandra nodded to her teacher, her brows knitting together in some sort of apprehensive concentration. "I got it, sir. I will let the others know as soon as I get in the bus. None of us have a phone, so I will be sure to try and locate payphones nearby, in case SOMETHING happens."

"Wait, you don't have a phone?"

"No. I should probably invest in some though. I have the money for it, I just never had a reason to use one, I had a house phone in my home already." Sandra makes her way to the stairs of the bus, and starts to climb in. she grasps the card that the teacher had handed her at the last minute. She was sure it was his phone number, just in case something happened.

The trip to the destined agency was fairly long. By the time they got there, they would most likely be settling down for dinner and bed. Then, hopefully the next day, they would be starting on training and lectures in the morning.

Sandra and the others chat for quite some time. Making sure to cover all the necessary topics, and tips, there were plenty of questions answered for the group. For the most part, everyone pays attention to what she had to say, all of them taking turns to ask questions and make small comments on what they had all learned so far. Most of the ride was over by the time they were done.

There was a good hour of quiet time, or some napping after they had stopped the 'lesson' for the day, they all took some more time to relax and enjoy the rest of the ride in peace and quiet, save for the light snoring of some of them. Sandra stays up, looking out the window as the bus drives pass another small valley that lay beautifully under a finely constructed bridge.

Just before Sandra could doze off, she was awakened from her sleepy-state by luminous lights coming from a city they had just entered. The lights were beautiful. She quickly woke the other girls up. She knew there were not too many chances like this that they had been able to see something so simple, yet so lovely.

Everything was glistening, enveloped in a warm hue, and friendly atmosphere. Just there, in the distance, a large building rested within the sea of lights, a broad, formal sign reading 'Wings of Life' 

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