Chapter Thirteen: Shrouded in Mystery

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Authors Note: I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees. Do that again I will - fucking turn your head into a lawn ornament-

Beru sat her one leg crossed over the other, staring at the mouse-dog principal with a bit of a vacant expression. "I am keenly aware that you already know what this conversation is going to be about. I solemnly swear to keep my mouth closed about this conversation. As do the rest of the parents in this room.."

"Beru, I would trust you with my life, seeing as you and I used to be very close friends. I hope we still are. However, sharing sensitive information about a student you do not know anything about is prohibited, by most laws." Nezu sits down on his desk, before looking out over the several parents in the room.

The Asui matriarch of the family sighed to herself before she looks to the side. She already figured that that the man would be like a steel trap when it came to his job. That meant she had to piggy back off of her own job to get information.

She had already been prepared earlier. She knew Nezu, and respected him. Knowing him as a friend had her the most physically prepared for this situation.

Beru was a Social Worker. She often dealt with child and family problems which included getting children out of toxic homes (or at least contributing to it), helping to support a family with financial needs or other basic needs like cleaning supplies and packages of food. There were other problems she assisted to easing.

Despite this though, she was not in the branch of Social Workers that diagnosed mental illness and other matters of hand.

"Nezu, I will need to see some records for Sandra. I already have the confirmation document needed for you to give them to me. I do not mean to be harsh here, but I am concerned for Sandra. You know how much children being in this school worries me, especially my little tadpole..."

The woman nodded he head toward the door, letting the other know that Tsuyu was on the other side of the door.

Mika decided to speak up, before sighing to herself. She gets up and brushed her short hair off to the side, mostly in thought. "She does have a point, mister Nezu, sir. I know I do not know you much, but I came here with Beru and Ganma because I am worried about Sandra, as they are. However.. I don't want to go to the higher authorities because they will most likely be a lot less lenient, or understanding as Beru is."

Ganma kept his hands in his pockets, though he want listening to the conversation intently. He was not one much for long conversation, but he did love his kids. If not as a social worker, then as a father, he did understand the other parents more obvious worry.

"I guess, to be fair, I would not have any other choice here. We both know that I want to share with you as much as you need to hear. As you are, though, Beru; you always come in prepared. Don't you?" The small mouse-like man walked over to the filing cabinet before he looks through the alphabetized collection. It did not take him long to find Sandra, seeing as he had marked her files beforehand.

He always kept certain files marked, in case he was worried about them. Midoriya, Izuku and Todoroki, Shoto were also a couple other students he needed to keep modest tabs on. Todoroki was always a constant stress in his mind, seeing as the child had on record that his mother poured boiling water over is face and was later admitted to a mental hospital for treatment. Still yet to have been released.

There was another record in his file that stated another sibling of his passed away when he was at a younger age. Todoroki, Touya.

Katsuki, Bakugou was another student on file, but that was for possible future implications from the villain attack shortly before the entrance exams to UA. Leading into Izuki's files of the encounters with the same encounter, and the one beforehand that All Might had told the school board about.

All of the students in class 1-A had files marked under yellow, at least. There was always a good chance of after-effects of trauma. Even if they were not immediate. Getting attacked by villains is never something easy to comprehend, especially at a young age. To top it off, several people were hurt, some badly at that.

Nezu sighs upon finding Sandra's file. There it was, sitting on the side of the cabinet, marked in a dark purple tag for extra caution. Bless Cementoss for making sure all of the stuff was organized.

The small principal grabbed the file, before walking back over to his generously sized desk that he had to climb up to even sit on top of. He handed the file over to Beru, who sets it on the top of the desk for now. She might as well be respectful and not open things until it is presented to her, and the smaller man was situated to read off the information.

He would have asked Mika and her husband to leave the room, but at this point, there was no need bothering to do so.

"Alright." He mumbled out to the other adults in the room. "Sandra. No last name specified on her local files, however she has mentioned her last name to be 'Gaster' on a couple of occasions. She has an O blood type, height is 5'''6''. She has no previously employed heroes in her family, though it is stated that she is a foreign citizen and originated from somewhere near the United States. Her mother and fathers names are not identified, as well as her nationality. She has no known current caretaker, and is living in a house that is currently paid for by a mysterious lead every month."

Nezu looked over to the woman, before taking a sip of his tea.

"Complicated already, is it not?"

"It is very much complicated. Usually this city is much more strict than that. Sandra having so much unknown information could have been dangerous, if anyone would have suspected her of villainy." Beru rubbed at one of her temples, before leaning forward on her chiar.

"Please don continue, Mister Nezu, I am sure there is more to share." Gamna mentioned after putting a comforting hand over his wife's slacking shoulders.

"Yes sir." Nezu stated to the toad-like man. Soon continuing on with the documents he had on the girl. Including the recent incidents. Sandra seems to have several coinciding quirks rather than a simple gene combined one that several children seemed to get. She can manipulate gravity, summon phantom, and material objects, teleport, and summon projectile/beam firing entities. She is also immune to being caught by Aizawa's quirk and rendered quirkless."

"Wait, you mean to tell me that Aizawa's quirk does NOT work on her?" Mika asked the principal before sitting down again.

"That is correct, Mrs. Kyoka. Sandra does not appear to be affected by quirk-cancelling objects or quirks. It has also been discovered by Recovery Girl that there is a good chance that Sandra has a semi-dependent immortality quirk as well. She died from her injuries after the USJ attack, and Recovery Girl revived her by chance."

"This has already spiralled far beyond something I know how to respond to and I have only been here for about 15 minutes..." Beru sighs. She extended her hand to take the file, before looking over teachers notes, and other notes from the last couple days. Then looking over personal information again.

"There is a lot to talk about, so I guess we should start with the recent events."

// To Be Continued. //

// Authors Note: I made Beru a social worker because I believed she would have a high intelligence job where she worked for, or around the protection of children and families. I also think it could be a good 'reason' for Tsuyu to be as composed and sensible as she is in the anime.

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