Chapter Twenty-Two: All Together

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// Authors Note: Hello again, guys, I am sure you are all very happy to see the greatness that is moi. 'I dip in da pool, a trip to de spa, the whole world according to moi'. Anyways, there are a few people questioning WHY Sandra would not go back to her own world if they do find a way to even leave. The reason is simple- there is no world there. I have mentioned this a couple times, but I figured that I should do it again, just to keep it moderately fresh in some people's minds. Aight, onto the chapter, folks. //


"Wait, what do you mean you are not going back?! Why would you leave everything behind? Would you not miss anybody?" Dust got up from her seat, looking over at Sandra with eyes that reflected nothing but obvious confusion and pain.

Sandra would never forget just how attached the 'bad group' was to her. They were all children, even before they had become blatant teenagers in this world of theirs. Well, not really children, but she would always think of them that way.

Leaving behind the worlds that she was familiar with, inside and out, would be a difficult task. Part of her aches, wishing to go back to the multiverse at least. However, after 4 years of schooling, training, and some run-ins with bad guys, she knew what she really wanted. She knew the purpose of being here, in the time that she is now.

She was sent here to redeem herself for all of her failures. She was sent here to be a hero, and save people. She wasn't going to fail this time, even if it meant never going back to the multiverse.

"Dust, I am not going to stay here because I hate anyone. As I already said, though, I don't have an AU to go back to. The original universe is gone, there is nothing left of it. Here, in this world, I can do what I have failed to do so many times before this..."

The girl looks over to the wall, where the items that belonged to her friends and family all hung in a nice display. She sighed, and walked over to Dust, who was still emotionally upset. All of them where, where the mood was light before, there was nothing but notable tension.

"Failed? What exactly are you talking about when referring to this failure? All of us have failed at something, Classic- Sandra." Nightmare gets up from the couch, walking up to Sandra. She was a bit taller than her original form.

"Nightmare... you guys already know.. My failure was my constant inability to protect my brother, friends and the fellow people of Snowdin. I never got to protect him, or anyone else because of the player that kept coming to my world. I never truly won, and helped to keep my world free of pain, because I was cursed to always suffer, and in-suit, cause suffering to others." Sandra looks away, not wanting to look anyone in the face after the statement. She just felt her lips quivering, not keen on hearing what they had to say, her mind set of them being mad at her for feeling such things.

"Sandra... you can't keep blaming yourself for something you never did. The people who come to your world and kill everyone are at fault. You have suffered, we have all suffered. What do we all do when you die here, huh? What will happen to the rest of the AU's?" Killer gets up from Horror's lap, and walks over to the taller girl.

Sandra didn't look them in the eyes, she just kept woefully looking off to the side in troubled thought.

"It is not fair for you to consider yourself a failure, when everything bad that happens in your world is not your fault. A genocidal brat invades the secure world of the underground. THEY are the ones who kill everyone. They do it because they are curious, and just sick." Killer took a chance to roll back on her heels, hoping to calm herself down.

"I want to be able to help people... maybe... just maybe, if I can stay here, and become a hero, I can finally do something RIGHT. Maybe, I will finally be able to save a life and have it matter..." Sandra trails off, shuffling her feet as means of a distraction. The distraction didn't really help her out though. She just felt even more tense.

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