Chapter Ten: Back in Action

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Authors Note: hAhA. I can't read. :D

"How did you guys fix this? It... looks like there was no damage to it at all." Sandra pulls at her brothers repaired scarf looking to the girls, who were standing there. Both of them were smiling, relieved and happy to see the white haired girl finally at ease.

Mina bounced where she stood, bringing her hands up into the air. "I know how to knit and sew. I make my own clothes all the time because I rip a lot of them. I like to dance and all the movement wears them out." Mina piped down, and let the raven haired girl speak soon afterward.

"I just used my quirk. I have to eat foods to create lipids. The lipids I consume help me make inanimate objects and materials. I can't produce anything alive, meaning I cannot produce humans, plants, or animals. I also can't produce micro-organisms or bacterial based single-celled organisms either."

The girls long words and knowledge of her quirk confused much of the surrounding classmates and a couple of the adults in the room. However, they got the point. It seemed that Midoriya, Bakugou and Aoyama were the only ones who genuinely understood her scientific tongue.

"I had to call over Aoyama to help me. He is great at telling what color and material a fabric is. He does care a lot about how he dresses, after all. I am impressed, this scarf is made out of silk? That is an exquisite, expensive, and very durable material. Silk has a breaking point at around 3,000 pounds of pressure."

Yaoyorozu lightly grabbed one of the ends of the scarf, and she inspected it, before gently setting it back down. "I can hardly get a hold of it naturally, and I never thought about making it with my quirk before because that is a lot of avocados and olives I hate just to make that scarf."

Mina giggled, before tugging over Aoyama a bit. The blonde haired teen adjusted his formal shirt, before playing with one of the fancy-cuffed sleeves.

"Don't mind my shirt, I just want to make sure to wear something very presentable to someone who is ailing. I do so hope you like the shirt." The boy smiled, before folding his hands over his legs. It was odd to see Aoyama so tame. He was not over-exuberant by any means, but he definitely was not this calm all of the time either.

Sans just sighed in relief, before nodding. She looks around, and up to Kirishima, before chuckling. "You can let me go now, spikes, I am awake now." The other nodded, and retracted his arm, before standing up. A small blush forming over his face. "Thanks for your help."

After that small exchange, the students slowly cleared out a bit, leaving Sandra in the room with Asui, and her family, who had come in along the way. The frog girl had permission to stay back, granted by Mister Aizawa and Recovery Girl.

Beru Asui, Tsuyu's mother, stood near the foot of Sandra's bed. It was obvious that she was concerned. Her large face seemed modestly saddened, and her hands were also folded over her legs. More or less in an anxious grasp.

Sandra seemed to be confused by their presence, but she waved to them. It was clear that she didn't know what she was supposed to think. She didn't know them... did she ever talk to them at any point in time..?

Maybe not...

In an attempt to break the silence, Sandra spoke up first. "So... uh... nice weather we are having outside? It's pretty warm out there..."

"Yes, dear. It is very lovely weather. I am sorry for our intrusion to your personal business, but I am worried for you..." Wow, Beru didn't waste any time, did she? "You see, when we came to visit you last night, I saw some... damages done your arms and legs."

Tsuyu figured this was not a conversation for her little siblings to hear, so she tapped on Samidare's and Satsuki's shoulders before gesturing to the door. Both of the younger kids, usually well behaved and quiet, nodded and followed her out of the room. That left Sandra, Beru, and Ganma in the room together. Mostly in isolation save for Jirou's parents Kyotoku and Mika.

"We know we do not know you well enough to be asking such personal questions, but... are you alright at home, Sandra? Why aren't your parents here? If Jirou were on that bed, I would be worried sick..." Mika spoke out from next to her husband, before sharing a small glance with him.

Sandra was take aback by the question, but she was not offended. She forgot how abnormal it was to NOT have a parent around, especially when you were the age she was implied to be. She supposed she was 15, or so. She was never sure. Her 'birth certificate' was fortified by the very universe itself.

She never had a labelled living, or deceased parent on her certificate of 'Birth' in the universe. So what does she say to worried parents that know she should have a parent or caretaker at this age?

"My dad is... away. On business. He is overseas and trusts me to take care of myself." She lied. She remembered one of he short pacifist routes with Frisk where they had discussed stuff like family problems and working abroad. Many more pleasant, or annoying things around those lines.

"I see..." Beru didn't say anything to the girls blatant lie. Ganma and Mika seemed to believe it, but that didn't make them any less concerned. However, Beru had a strong mothers intuition. Maybe it was just because she was somewhat tied in with an animal quirk. Animals were quite extra-sensitive creatures most of the time.

Kyotoku felt his eyebrows tense before he looked away. He and Beru nodded to each other, before all of the parents took their time to get situated to leave.

"It was a pleasure meeting you dear. I hope you are in tip-top shape soon. Stop by my place one of these days if you wish, kiddo. I do whip up a good mince meat pie." Beru looked to Sandra, who smiled a little bit and nodded. After everyone was out of the room, Sans took time to carefully lay back down.

She had to get back into action soon. She couldn't afford to lie around and meander in bed if she wanted to improve herself enough to actually save people without stressing them out more. Or even ending up hospitalized. That seemed to be Midoriya's job anyways.

She smiled to herself, not noticing earlier how the four parents turned to head further into the building, rather than leave through the near EXIT doors. She quickly falls asleep, snoring away into her arms as she holds her brothers scarf close.

// To be Continued. //

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