Chapter Fourteen: All in Good Sport

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// Authors Note: Hello there children! I have not updated in a few days, because I needed a break. I have been emotionally upset lately. :') In fact, I am still upset, but this is not about me. Let us enjoy this chapter of the book! I hope everyone is having a good day. I will most likely go to updating spontaneously, because school is starting back up, and I will be going to public school, because I am not that smart and need the help of a teacher. LOL.

Waking up, and going through with her morning routine, Sandra walks over to take a shower, gets dressed, and brushes out her hair. She still didn't like to take long amounts of time bathing herself, seeing as she was really a he put into a female body. It was obvious that it was made for him, and that he did not possess someone else, but it was still awkward. She also viewed it as disrespectful.

After her uniform was put on, Sandra pulls up the gray scrunchies and ties her hair back. It was somewhat loose, of course However, it did keep her hair under control. Better than leaving it in the open to be grabbed by someone.

Part of her wishes she would have thought of it sooner, but then again, she hasn't had that problem yet.

Walking out her front door, she was careful to lock it, before making her way down the sidewalk. Seeing as she walked to school, she had to get going early. Her pink sneakers were a notable color in contrast to her dark-ish uniform. She originally had some blue ones, but she missed her pink slippers from home.

The walk was relatively slow, and nothing seemed to happen. The air was crisp, and cool, leading Sans to take in a deep breath, and let it out with some sort of unknown relief. That was part of being human that she liked. She got to experience things tenfold. Save for pain, most of the pleasant, little things that humans do is taken advantage of.

As a skeleton, even if she did have a synthetic organ system made from magic, the true experience was never really able to be felt. How else would she be able to blow into a trombone if she didn't have lungs? How else would she feel the cold and the heat? How else would she eat, and use the bathroom in her previous form?

{{{ This last mini-paragraph is dedicated to the user that I had semi-deep thoughts with about a week ago. It was fun, and entertaining, pal. Keep asking questions. xD }}}

After her long walk was nearly complete, Sandra found herself at the gate of the school. Pulling out her ID tag, and sticking her hand on a hidden sensor, the gate dings, and lets her in.

She was the first one at school, and most likely would be for the next while. To imagine that someone like her would be the first in anything was both amusing and shocking. However, it just gave her for free time to get breakfast and relax before the rest of the students showed up. Usually noisy by nature, to boot.

Greeting one of the recently hired school guards, she walks into the building and goes about her day without much or a word to anyone she has not communicated with at any time before today. She thanked the lunch ladies though. She appreciated them, despite a lot of other people seeming to dislike them for no reason at all. Watching some cartoons in the past with her brother, she learned that in human culture, the lunch ladies were depicted as cold and uncaring.

One would really wonder why, since a lot of people gave them the cold shoulder all the time.

Sitting at a table, Sandra started to eat her breakfast, consisting of a food that seemed rather American. Eh, she didn't complain, food was food, after all.

Students all started to filter in soon after that, filing into the lunchroom rather quickly. Obnoxious as ever, and ready to get the day going. Most of them sat in their little groups, or pods of communication. It didn't take long for her to spot Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka. All of them waved to her, and she waves back.

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