Chapter Twenty: Campus Concerns

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//Authors Note: I dunno why I am doing this, but I am just writing this chapter while I am at school, guys. It is actually quite fun to write when you know you are supposed to be doing other stuff. Kinda a shame, if I am not lying. I don't know if I can do any interactions with Bakugo in this chapter, because he curses all the time.//

The next thing Sandra knew, she was being shaken awake by Nightmare, who was standing over her. "Hey, time to go. Everyone is already off of the bus." Nightmare noted to the other, carrying a somewhat bored tone, if not worried.

Sandra grumbled before she nodded, sitting back up properly, before standing up from the seat. The rest of the Sanses followed in suit. Some, if not most, of the rest of the class were already loading into a car or a means of transportation, ready to go home. However, the few that lingered behind had all stand next to each other, making sure no one was left standing alone out here.

Cross stepped off the bus, brushing her hair over her shoulder. Yaoyorozu was standing near Jirou, Kaminari, and Kirishima. All of them were laughing about something. Cross thought back to her hair, and sighed, she was considering taking her hair out of the braid to make sure the loose strands did not get tangled over the rubber band. However, she actually liked the way it was tied up. It felt rather... nice.

Aizawa remained where he always had, which was leaning against the side of the bus. Remaining close by to make sure that his students were not getting into trouble. Nor that trouble found them.

Sandra looks off to the street she took to go home, before going to gesture to the other girls that would be coming with her to her abode. It was not like there was a limit on how many people could stay with her.

"Alright, guys, let's all get going. We have a lot to get caught up on. I do hope we can do it before we go to bed tonight. I don't know what we are going to do about you guys tomorrow though. Maybe I should go and ask Mister Aizawa." The white haired girl mumbled to herself before she stuffs her hands into her jacket pockets. "I probably should. Come on, I am sure he will have stuff to say to you guys as well, anyways."

Nightmare sighs to herself, before lightly crossing her arms over her chest. Horror and Killer just shrug, following Sandra in a manner of passive boredom or lack of common care. Cross follows without any sort of reaction, but she didn't seem to be upset by the news. Error and Dust both play Rock, Paper, Scissors with each other on their way.

It did not take them too long, they had not strayed too far away from the bus to begin with. After Sandra got close enough to the tired teacher, she waved to try and get his attention. "Hey teach, may I ask a question?"

"Near as I can tell, you already did, Sandra." Aizawa stated curtly, standing to face the student and her look-alike friends. "What is it that you need?" He questioned, before walking a little closer to close the gap between them.

"Sorry for bugging ya, teach, but I think I should ask you about what my friends here are going to do while I am in school? The people in my neighborhood know I live alone, and seeing several people in my house when I am in school is only going to send up a lot of red flags."

Aizawa sighed. He felt himself pull a lazy hand up to rub at his eyes, before dragging it down his face a bit in thought. "I guess you have a point. We can't just throw them into the school system though, because that would be odd, and unfair to the other students."

The tired man continued to stand there in troubled thought, knowing well that Sandra did not want them all to be alone anywhere she could not see them. They seemed to be tough kids, maybe there was a chance he could convince Nedzu to allow them into the entry-exam course.

"I don't know what to do at the moment. Listen to me, girls-" He leans down, seeing as he was taller than all of them were. "If you are okay with it, are all of you alright with trying out for an entrance exam for the hero course tomorrow? It is something we do here to see if you can qualify to attend UA as a student."

Error looks over at Nightmare, though she looks away just as quickly. Other than Sans- Sandra, Nightmare was considered to be the leader of the group.

Nightmare pondered the question... hero course, huh? It really was an interesting proposal, seeing as all of them had their bad pasts following them like stench on waste. All of them are post-genocidal versions of Classic. Forms of him that had caused a lot of emotional uproar and damage, just to be neutralized and pacified by a peace treaty that had been held over them as a threat.

Ink knew how to manipulate. Oddly enough, people referred to Ink as the creator of AU's, whereas Error just referred to him as the supposed 'protector'. Ink liked when everyone was under that bony thumb of his. That meant he got to practically do whatever he wanted, while making others that remained on his side feel appreciated or respected.

Off of that topic, though, Nightmare brings her memory back to the real time she was currently in. She looks to the teacher with a somewhat indecisive glint in her eye. "I will talk to everyone about it. When Sandra gets here tomorrow, we will come with her. If we ultimately decide not to do this.. 'Hero course' we will most likely just wait outside the school, if that is alright."

The teacher nodded to her, before looking out at the rest of the girls.

"Alright, kids. Go on, we need to get to our homes to get some rest. See you in the morning." The teacher gave a one-handed wave before turning around and starting over to the parking lot that lay across the road from the school.

Sandra watched the teacher leave, gesting to her friends to follow her to where they were supposed to be going. The walk was long, and somewhat silent, but it was not lonely.

It was nice, for once.

When she reaches her estate, the girl lets all of the others into her home first, taking off her shoes as soon as she had walked through that door. "Welcome to my home as of the last four years. Sit down, while I make something for all of us to eat. I am sure you all will be looking for some explanations. You will need them, especially if you wanna survive here without exposing yourselves, or me to anyone."

Classic mumbled before she went to turn the light on in the kitchen. The house was not too dark, but it was still dark enough to trip over items that were easily mistaken for the floor at night time.

"An explanation and food would be nice, yes. Thank you Classic. I hope that we can figure out what happened... you had all of us worried for 4 years! Do you know how long that can be when you are worried sick for someone?" Dust scolded the older Sans before crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"Yeah, I know.. I said I was sorry, but for the things I need to explain, it is really not best to take in on an empty stomach." Sandra notified the other, who grumbled. However, Dust nodded in return to the statement and agreed soon after reaching a place of comfort in the house.

All of the Sanses had settled in, a couple of them went into the kitchen to help Sandra finish up dinner, and the others rested on the seats and chairs that rested in the dining room and living room. The house fell into a calm silence, soon to be interrupted by a long explanation, and constant worry from her friends.

She could not blame them though, she did disappear out of the blue.

'Why is it always me that gets put into these situations?' Sandra questioned to herself, laughing in subtle amusement and modest, confused bitterness. She was glad she was with familiar friends though, she knew that they would be patient and listen to her. She could tell them everything. She did not need to lie or hide any of it.

//To Be Continued//

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