Chapter Twenty-One: Staying...

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Authors Note: Well hello there, again, buckaroos and readers alike. This is another chapter post, and I hope to continue to upload at least a little regularly. I am not sure, but I am considering making my next story update to a story that has been going on for a long time. However, there is no guarantee to that either. I would just like to wish all of you a good read and I hope to continue to impress with this story.


Sandra made a notable amount of food for her friends, Dust and Error helping her clean the dishes all the while. It was nice having someone to help her with the dishes, even though she hardly even used any in the first place.

That, however, mainly consisted of cookware. She had a lot of paper plates up in the cabinet, as well as a few sets of plastic silverware that she had taken from school. She was not from Asia, so using chopsticks was a bit of a no-go for her.

After dinner was dished out, Error helped take food to the others while Dust cleaned up a small mess that was made on the counter a little while ago. Everyone thanks Classic, Error and Dust for helping make the food, before digging in and starting to eat.

Nightmare finishes her plate first, and sets it off to the side. Horror followed shortly thereafter. Stacking the plates together, they wait for everyone to get more of their food eaten before Sandra even bothered with any explanations.

"Well, we might as well get the explanation game going, shouldn't we? It has been a while since we talked because of me being transported here some time ago. I still fail to understand how it even happened in the first place. Whereas that is true, I have learned not to question it. Especially with the society that had taken me in from the experience." Sandra sighed.

"Yeah. You disappeared out of the blue, no one can get to your Classic AU Universe. Not even Ink can, and he is supposedly supposed to be able to go anywhere he really wants to." Nightmare mentioned loosely to the other, leaning her back against the plush support of the couch that most of them sat on. "Classic, we were all worried about you... we thought we would never see you again. There is a good chance we might not even have met you today if it weren't for the accident with Horror."

Sandra looks over to Horror, who shrugs her arms as a response to the blatant accusation. She just gives off a cheesy grin, before leaning back in her own area on the large seat.

"That still does not explain several things that have been bothering me, though." Killer speaks up, looking up at the rest of them before guiding her blackened eyes over to meet Sandra's own. "Why are we unable to even get to Undertale? That universe was never closed off, Ink didn't have the option to cut connections to it, because of it being the original universe."

"My world is gone. I remember it vividly, really. I remember it so vividly and I was not even there. I was not there to help, or even try to stop it. My world essentially fell apart and crumbled. Monsters of all kinds falling into the unforgiving abyss of darkness and death." Sandra mumbled. Her facial expression was something to tell heads or tails from.

Nightmare gave out a nervous laugh, before looking to the side, knowing that Sandra was in notable distress made her upset. She wanted to lighten the mood, but the darkened aura-holding girl had no idea who to do so. "That was a bit... cryptic of you..." She noted, at a loss for what to say.

"I guess it was... heh." Sandra gets up, putting the rest of her food on the counter in the kitchen. She returned right after, holding a case of soda in her grasp. "Anybody want one?"

Horror and Killer were the first to raise their hands, waving them in excitement for the carbon beverage. Sandra chuckled, handing both of them a Pepsi. As soon as they had gotten their drinks, she held out the 12-pack in front of the others. All of them just took one, seeing as it was being offered.

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