Chapter Thirty-Five: Confusing

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((Authors Note: Skibidi bop mm bada- *SlApPS BaCk oF HeaD cUtELy* I didn't get the chance to tell you this, but I like ya cut, g...))

Horror, walking back around the corner she had to round earlier, found a rather pleasant sight. Everyone was resting, sitting on top of or near the people they had to tackle down in order to get to Sosei who was currently knocked out and on the ground. "I see you guys had a hell of a lot of fun while I made the phone call... looks like we didn't need those teachers this time."

"That appears to be true. It is best not to move from this place, though. First, it is still fishy that there was absolutely NO confusion on what was going on out here. It's not like we were quiet. Even with us trying to keep everything as far away from the houses as we could, so we didn't do property damage- we did accidentally break down one door-" Sandra was interrupted by Dust-

"Yeah, accidentally getting myself tossed through the door because of a miscalculation from my attack. The doors here are surprisingly strong- but damn that fucking hurt regardless." The girl sighs, before adjusting her scarf again.

Sandra was caught staring at the scarf, bringing her hand up to her own neck as she thought back to the one she was not allowed to wear anymore because of what happened to it in the first place. Horror went to walk over to the group of fallen 'attackers' and asked the simple question nagging on her mind from where she stopped.

"So... was it easy to take these guys down too?" She gestured down to all the slightly bruises but otherwise not hurt workers.

"Yeah. It was like they were not trained for this at all. A couple of them didn't even fight us. They started to fight along WITH us, actually." Nightmare stated, gesturing her head toward the two that had joined their side. One of them was the man that had given Epic the ice from the other day, and another was a man who had flowers all over him. He stood there, looking between all of them in silence. "That one doesn't seem to be able to speak, and this one over here was too attached to Epic to want to even hurt her. Even though they only talked once."

The man looks away, sighing. "She reminded me of my daughter. That's all." He stated bluntly looking down to the ground.

"You have a daughter? Bruh, lemmeh meet 'er sometime!" Epic chimed in, grinning to the man. The man only turns his head away, before shaking his head 'no'.

"She's... overseas. Won't be coming back for a long time."

Nightmare, sensing the negativity, decided to change the topic before anymore questions were asked on that topic. She got the basic idea of what was going on, and it was better not to dig up old memories of someone that was sparing someone the knowledge or pain, or in denial while simultaneously grieving. "Anyways, Horror, what did the teacher say? Is he on his way? These guys will not be down for long."

"Yeah, he is. I am pretty sure he would still be able to pinpoint where we are. The payphone's connection was lost due to being cut, but the phone stand itself was not damaged." Horror gently set the still-conscious man down on the ground, and just snapped to let her Gaster-Blaster disappear and the other man flopped on the ground near several of the other unconscious attackers. "Welp, you-" She looks to the man on her shoulder. "You might as well explain what was going on as to why you all were so inexperienced in the first place."

The man sighs, before looking the other girls who either had their arms crossed, her just looked up from what they were doing. Error was using her strings to puppet around a couple of the unconscious men. She made one hand a brick to the other, and the other took it, before handing it back. She looked bored all the while, but didn't stop the dorky puppet show.

Killer was now standing even closer to dust than before, smoothing out the scarf that the other was wearing, and Sandra was nearby.

Nightmare and Cross stood on top of several small debris piles, looking around for anything else that might happen while the others were talking. Nightmare looked more annoyed that anything, her arms crossed in some kind of pondering notion.

Epic and Fresh were walking around in circles talking to each other. Fresh often making Epic chuckle with her odd lingo and general expressive nature.

The man just took in a breath and looks down. "We are all here because we were hired by Sosei out of the blue. Not really contemplated that much, but it was work. Almost all of us, save for a couple, maybe- are past criminals that were looking for work in nearby towns or cities in order to get our lives back together. Society relies on money, and if you don't have it, you don't have a house, or food in your stomach. Sosei took us in with relatively handsome paychecks, and she seemed to be an okay employer, despite being shady." The man sighs. "Now, we all have been caught up in another incident of crime. If we go to prison, we do get food, and shelter- but due to the world we live in- us being attacked or hurt in the jail is none of the concern of the staff. If we die... it just gets labeled as some freak accident or bad blood."

The man looked fairly bitter, looking to the side. "A lot of us have perished there already. That's part of where our morals are easily lost. Almost all of us went in there for petty theft, or instances of attacking others or mugging them for money. We never had any intent to kill, maim or harm anyone that bad."

The rest of the 'Bad Sanses' understood PART of the feeling. However, they also knew the general stages of being genocidal. They had intended to hurt others before. They had killed others before. Their lives sucked, and it wore on them to where their minds just snapped.

Footsteps in the distance capture everyone's attention, and they turn to see a back haired, sleepy man close by.

"Heya sensei.."

(( To be Continued))

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