Chapter Thirty-Six: Silent Town

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//Dearest everyone to whomst this may concern- psssst- come a little closer- "ᴵᵗ'ˢ ᶠʳᵉᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡ ᵉˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ" ;)//

Aizawa walks towards the group, seeing all of the men knocked out for a save few of them who seemed to be conversing with the girls who were not as close to where he was standing himself. The shaggy man let out a frustrated sigh, before looking around at them. "You students never seem to like letting me have a break." he curtly stated, dialing a number on his phone.

Sandra looks over to him, chuckling a bit, seeing as she knew exactly what that was like. She looks to the other side of herself, swinging her foot up in order to get some traction on the ground, and pull herself up from where she had decide to sit a little bit ago.

"What even happened here? I had a feeling something was off, but THIS?" The teacher gestured to the men all over the ground again. "There are no real damages done to them, right? If there are any broken bones, and severe damages that have been done, there is a good chance it could put a hindering stump into your hero training." He leans down, looking to several of the men with a barely interested glint in his eyes.

"Teach, they attacked us, but we do have decency." Horror stated, before put her hands on her hips. "If we hurt one of em, we hurt all of 'em? Why should anyone feel left out?" She walks over to Dust, who was standing there in minor confusion, but otherwise undisturbed. "Ain't that right, Dust Bunny?"

"Call me that again, and I will paint my wall with the gelatin in that one remaining eye of yours." Dust looks over to Horror, smiling a little bit playfully as the other backs up a little bit, laughing some.

"Whoa, a little feisty today, Dust? Ohh, it was the breakfast, wasn't it? I knew I should have let you pour your own cereal."

Aizawa stood there, watching their playful banter before thinking about what Horror had said to Dust. "Cereal....?" he thought to himself. He had remembered what the breakfast food actually was, but people in Japan rarely ate it, so he honestly forgot it was even a thing, for the most part.

Sandra felt herself intake an awkward breath. "Yeah, we have cereal a bunch... uh... American... things...?" She chuckled nervously before walking over to him, and handing him Sosei's ID. "Either way, teach- this Sosei here has an authentic ID... but everything here is.... well, fishy." She looks around, gesturing to the buildings. "There seems to be pretty much no one here, at all. Despite all of the fighting, and attempts to be careful- we did break a little bit if property. There was no people around, though. It is as if this place is abandoned."

Aizawa nodded in thought as he went over to the unconscious Sosei and secured her in cuffs and other safety precautions that would be used as a means to keep her at bay if she came back to consciousness anytime soon. "Either way- other pro heroes are coming, as well as the authorities. I was let through early, under the impression that you all were still in immediate danger."

"I take it someone transported you here?" Nightmare spoke out, looking over to the scruffy, grumpy teacher as she went to straighten some on her hair back out. "If so, there must be a limit to how many, or how much they can do at one time, or in a time period." She looks over to Killer who was currently playing with her own hair in boredom.

"Sort of like at." Aizawa sighs. "They can only open up one portal within a stent of time; however, because not all the necessary sources were in the room at the time, I came here earlier, because of the assumption that you all would be in more danger." Aizawa looks down to the collapsed men. "It looks like you all handled this well, though. I have not spotted any serious injuries yet."

"Easy peasy." Killer chirped as she leans back and forth several times. "It was fun, kind of like sport, but not completely, ya know?" Killer dusted off part of her pants, before seeing another portal forming. "OOh, is that the portal thing-a-ma-boobie you were talking about over there?"

Horror snickered at the last part of the word chain, before looking to the portal as well. "It seems it might be. We should all grab some of these guys- after all- we can't leave them here where there are literally no people. That would leave them to basically be able to do anything they wanted."

Several people walk from the glowing light, many of them seeming to be symbols of authority.

The rest of the time seemed to pass by pretty fast after that. All of the subordinates of Sosei were cuffed and taken through the still-open portal that would surely lead to some jail cells or some holding room of some kind.

"I guess this means our internship is ... over?" Error looks over to the teacher, part of her face glitching as she did so. "If so, it would be a shame.... we were barely even into it, yet." the girl sighs in annoyance. "Leave it to something to happen. Something always does."

Epic nodded to that statement. "I guess we still can't complain too much... all of us still basically JUST got here. We can just wait until next time. In a school like this, I am sure opportunities pop up all of the time." She tied her shoe laces before walking near the portal. "Either way, let's go. We don't want to be around when this place get's inhabited by someone else, now do we?"

Cross was already near the authorities, mainly to ensure she was ready to walk through the portal when told. Everyone else walks in the general direction, sporting their luggage, and a few of the resting bodies of the attackers they had.

"Please let this be a normal field trip."

"Kinda late for that, ins't it, Cross?"

"It's never too late or too early to escape some place that feels like an outside version of domino's group confinement and so on. No one else would be missing out on much."

"True enough."

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