Ch. 21 - Kody Thomas Grassi-Hoying

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Mitch's POV

Kody is the most beautiful baby I've ever seen. I'm so glad he is here and healthy. I laid on the bed while they cleaned him off as he screamed his head off, 'I hear you baby boy.'

Scott was holding him wrapped in a blanket looking like a little bug, "Here he is Daddy." I took the baby in my arms, ever so gently, 'Come here sweetheart.' The little boy fussed as he was moved around. "Mitch, he's beautiful, you did an amazing job."

I smiled, 'He wouldn't be here without you. He wouldn't look like you, without you.' Scott looked at his features, "Name one feature on him the looks like me?" I eyed the baby and then Scott for a good minute, I pointed to the baby's cheek, 'You have this same freckle on your cheek!' He laughed, "That's hilarious!" 'No. He does have your jawline and cheekbones, which I love personally.'

He kissed me, "I noticed he has your forehead and your hair, look how it coifs like yours." He pulled the baby's hair down and to the left like mine, I laughed and ruffed it up again, 'Don't mess with his hair.' Kody had alot of hair to play around with. "He's perfect, like a little angel." 'Have you called Kirstie yet?' Scott looked up at the clock, "No, here let me take a picture. Hold Kody up."

I held Kody in my arms while Scott took a selfie of us kissing. 'Let me see.' I saw the picture, my sweaty fat face, 'Ew, I look a hot labored mess. Erase it.' Scott kissed me again, "You look fine, you just had a baby. Your first baby, to think of it." He captioned the picture, "Say Hi to Kody everyone!" He sent the picture to Esther, Avi, Kirstie, Kevin, Jeremy, My Parents and His Parents. Everyone replied back, "He's gorgeous, congrats Mitch!"

Scott's POV

Mitch made it through Kody's birth just beautifully. I sat down talking to my new son, while Mitch was resting 'You have a sister named Ariel and a brother named Alex. They would talk to you while you were in Daddy's belly.' He cooed and whined.

"Babe, is he okay?" I looked over at Mitch who woke up to Kody's fussing. I smiled, 'He's fine. We're just talking.' Mitch repositioned a pillow on his lap, "Let me see my baby." I handed our son to him, who fussed and wiggled. "Hi baby boy. Were you talking to papa?"

I sat down next to Mitch, 'How come I'm Daddy to Alex and Ariel, but I'm Papa to Kody?' He looked up at me, "Probably just cause you carried Alex and Ariel and I carried Kody. Why don't we just have them call us Daddy Scott and Daddy Mitch?" I shook my head, 'That can get confusing though, why not just Daddy and Papa?' Mitch was quick to answer, "I call daddy!"

I laughed, 'Fine I guess I'm Papa. When do you want me to call Kirstie, to bring the kids here?' He kept cooing at the baby, "Uh what time is it?" I looked at my watch, '2 o'clock?' "In the afternoon? How long did you let me sleep?" 'Good god, Mitch you just delivered a baby. I thought you would want to sleep through the night."

Mitch looked at Kody who was sleeping peacefully in his arms, "Did he even cry last night?" 'No, everytime he fussed, I picked him up and gave him a bottle or changed him. A nurse came in and took him at around 6am. They just brought him back at noon.' Kody opened his eyes to explore his new world, Mitch gasped, "He has my eyes! Look at how brown they are. They're almost black."

'Wow I thought he would have my eyes? Alex has my eyes and Ariel has your eyes.' Mitch couldn't take his eyes off him. "That is werid, I guess I have good genes." I smiled, (dirty joke, you've been warned) 'I'd like to get in your jeans.' He looked at me with a suggestive smirk, "Scott! How vulgar you can be." I laughed armously, 'I'm sorry, seeing you deliver a baby, is really magical.' "Well go do something magical on your own time or go call Kirstie, so Alex and Ariel can meet their brother and quit being a pain!"

I stepped out in the hall to call Kirstie, I dialed her number. She picked up the first ring, "HELLO! I'LL BE THERE IN 10 MINUTES!" I laughed, 'Okay, do you have the kids carseats?' She took a breath in, "Yeah, they're in my car already, I've been waiting fo your call." 'Alright I'll see you guys in a few minutes. Tell the kiddos to get ready.' "Alright bye. Hey Alex and Ariel-" The line dropped after she called for the kids. I walked back in the room, 'Hey, Kirstie will be here with Alex and Ariel in a few minutes.' "Awesome, they'll be so excited to see Kody."

A/N I know y'all probably got the update that this chapter was published, but then I quickly had to fix something. So here ya go.

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