Ch 19 - Baby Grassi-Hoying is almost here.

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A/N I still need a name for this baby. I haven't even though of a good one yet. Please Gumi's I seek your help.

Mitch's POV

Exactly one month has gone by since the twins were kiddnapped by Travis. This pregnancy feels like it's dragging on forever. Scotta and I started the buying process for our new home, a four bedroom home with den and spacious backyard.

I was in the kids room packing some boxes when Alex walked in. 'Alex! Come here sweetie.' I grabbed him and went out to the living room. I didn't want him in his room again, that was another reason why we were moving.

"Papa? Why can't I be in my room." I ran my fingers through his short blonde hair, 'I didn't want you to have anymore nightmares. I know it's scary being in there alone.'

He sniffled, "Okay. Why are you packing my stuff?" 'Cause Daddy and I have decided to move somewhere bigger. Our apartment is getting to small for you guys.' I poked his belly, bringing a smile to his face, "Do I have to share a room with Ariel? She uses her make stuff on me."

I laughed, 'No, you two will have your own rooms at this house, the baby will even have his own room.' He poked my belly, "When is the baby gonna be here? Where does it come from?"

Scott walked in with Ariel, 'Ya know what? Daddy, would be happy to tell you that story!' Scott shot me a quick look, "What story?" I smiled, rubbing my belly, 'Where babies come from-' I stopped, noticing they had come from the candy store, the one place Scott vowed he would never take the kids, 'What are those?' He looked at the candy bags and hid them behind his back, "Uh I don't know?"

I grabbed his nipple causing him to drop the bags, 'Scott Richard! Don't you dare lie to me!' I squeezed harder causing him to drop to his knees, "Mitch, baby please let go. Baby boy? Tell papa to let go!" He had his hands on my belly, pleading to the baby, 'He's not gonna help you. Now why did you take Ariel to the candy store?'

I still had a good hold of his nipple, "I thought it would be fun to spend some time with my daughter and then she saw the candy store." I scolded him, 'And you just can't say no.' He squealed, "No! Please let go." I released as he fell to the ground, I couldn't see him, laying at my feet, over my belly.

'So which one is mine?' He handed me a bag with gummy sharks and frogs, 'Thank you!' I grabbed the bag and sat down on the couch with the kids, "Papa, look at all this candy!" Ariel showed me her bag, only a 1/4 of a pound of candy, 'Mm, looks diabetic!' I wouldn't let them eat the whole bag in one day.

Scott's POV

I laid on the ground in front of the door, with an aching nipple, 'Isn't anybody gonna help me?' Mitch looked over at me, "You tried to lie, you pay the price."

Alex dropped his candy bag and reached out his hand, "Here daddy, I'll help you." I rolled over and grabbed Alex, spinning him around the living room.

My kids were fearless, I would throw them up to the ceiling and spin them around for hours or until Mitch stepped in, "Come one, babe. I don't need sugar coated vomit all over the floors." I shook my head.

I set Alex down and began to make dinner. Mitch waddled around the house, cleaning.

'What are you doing?' He looked at me with a smirk, "Nothing, just a little tidying up, before the baby gets here." He rubbed his belly and began dusting.

'Okay, I'm over here making dinner and you're standing here breathing in toxic dust. Which seems safer? Please sit down.' I led him over to the couch and helped him sit down, "I don't wanna be off my feet, I'm beginning to lose circulation in them, soon I'll be off my feet forever." He whined and complained the entire time I prepared dinner.

After dinner, I sat on the couch with Mitch rubbing his belly, 'When are you due again?' He sighed and put his hand over mine, "Not soon enough. I think my due date is in like 3 weeks."

'I can't wait to meet this little guy.' I kissed Mitch, I craved him, 'I miss you.' He smiled, pulling away, "No strenuous activity." I grunted, 'Asshole!'

He laughed causing his belly to shake, "I'm just kidding, come here." He turned around and sitting on my lap, 'What are you doing?' He pressed his lips onto mine, "I want my husband, just shut your mouth and kiss me." I returned my lips to his, moving my head from side to side.

I didn't know where my hands should go, Mitch grabbed them putting them on his belly, "It's okay, you won't hurt the baby as long as your hands are there." I missed his touch, I craved his lips. He moved down my neck to my chest. I could feel the baby kicking, followed by tightening in Mitch's abdomen.

My eyes widened, 'Didn't you feel that?' He looked down at his bump, "Feel what?" The baby started kicking again, 'I think you just had a contraction?'

Mitch's POV

A couple hours after dinner, Scott and I were making out on the couch. I moved my lips up and down his neck as he kept his hands on my belly. I smiled when the baby started kicking.

Scott suddenly stopped looking down at my belly, "You didn't feel that?" I followed his eyes, 'Feel what?' He thought I had a contraction, 'Nothing, he's just moving around. Come on.'

I continued to kiss his neck. He sighed, 'What's wrong?' I asked, sitting up and slumping my shoulders, "My legs are falling asleep." He said. I smiled and giggled, 'I'm sorry, baby. Come on, let's go to bed.'

I helped him off the couch and into bed, "Why are you helping me? You're pregnant, I should be carrying you to bed." I put his arm around my neck, 'I caused your legs to fall asleep with my heavy body.' He put his hand on my belly, "You're beautiful no matter what!"

I needed to hear that, I've felt so fat this entire pregnancy. I laid down on my right side and put one hand on my belly, the baby was still kicking, but no contractions were happening. Scott cuddled up behind me and we both fell alseep, except for a certain somebody, but I ignored him and passed out.

A/N So just to clarify, I won't be making a sequel for this book, just because I have nothing else to write but I will be writing this book until this new baby turns 2 and that alot of writing anyway.

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