Ch. 12 - Unnatural Disaster

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A/N: While Mitch was bathing Ariel, he told her to call for Scott.

Mitch's POV *4 Months*

I put on my boxers and a tanktop, so I could bathe the kids. After I rinsed off Alex, I asked Scott to pull him out and put is jammies on him.

I started to rinse off bubbles from Ariel, when a huge wave of pain shot through my belly. I said to Ariel, 'Baby, can you call for Daddy please?' "DADDY! PAPA NEEDS YOU!"


Scott came running in, "What's wrong, is it the baby!?" I sat against the wall, holding my stomach and hyperventalating. I only had enough air to choke out, 'I don't know whats wrong. Get Ariel out of the tub and call Kirstie, we need to go to the hospital.'

He put his hand on my head, "You're okay, I'll be right back. Come here, sweetie. Let's get your jammies on like bubba."

She watched me over Scott's shoulder, as we left the bathroom, "What's wrong with Papa? He needs you!"

I heard their voices fade as they left the bathroom, I tired to make sure my baby was still alive. No movement whatsoever.

I broke down, when Kirstie came bursting into the bathroom, "Mitch, what's wrong?"

All I could choke out through my tears was, 'The baby's gone, she's not moving at all! Please somebody help me!?'

Kirstie was rubbing my hair, shushing me, "You're gonna be okay, there's an ambulance on their way." I curled into the fetal position and put my hands under my bottom.

When the paramedics made it into the bathroom they lifted me up on the gurney. One of them looked at the floor in shock "Can I ask where all that blood come from?"

"What! Blood!" Scott looked at the spot where I was sitting and broke down. 'Oh my baby! How could this happen! I did everything right.' I protested. Scott grbbed my hand, pressing it to his lips, "Mitch, it's not your fault, just relax."

'I CAN'T RELAX, MY BABY'S DEAD!' I put my hands over my face and bawled my eyes, straight out of my head.

Scott's POV

We made it to the hospital where Mitch was hooked up to every machine possible.

The doctor came in and started an ultrasound, "What's wrong, doctor? Is my baby okay? Please let her be okay. Scott, we can't lose her!" 

She kept moving the wand around Mitch's belly, for 10 minutes 'What do you see? Is there a heartbeat?'

I asked while holding Mitch's hand. She hesitantly answered, "Well Mr. Grassi-" Mitch strongly interrupted, "Just tell me, is my baby still alive or not!?"

'Baby, calm down.' He let go of my hand, grabbing his belly, "Don't tell me to calm down! What is going on with my baby?"

Another wave of pain shot through him as the doctor finished, "So here's the thing, you were having twins and one, unfortunately passed away in-utero. There was no saving the baby."

Mitch lost it, I turned him around as he cried into my chest, 'What about the other baby?' "The other baby is just fine. Still kicking away, The heartbeat is normal and everyhing looks fine. I'm sorry for you loss."

I thanked her and asked one last question, 'When can we go home?' "Um, we'll have to wait till the bleeding stops. I'll leave you two alone and I'll have a nurse check you in 30 minutes."

Mitch was still inconsolable, "We were having twins and I had no idea."

I pulled him closer to my heart, 'Mitchy, it wasn't your fault. I promise, she said the other baby is fine.'

Mitch was so upset, I didn't know how to keep him calm. "I'm not okay if I lost a baby, I didn't know existed. Maybe that's what the strong kicks were? Oh my god, I felt the kicking and now the baby is dead!"

He started to cry even harder, I sat behind him, until he finally fell asleep for a few minutes.

Mitch's POV

After 30 minutes, like the doctor had said, her nurse came in to check if the bleeding had stopped.

"Hi Mr. Grassi, I'm here to check on you. Now if you'll just scoot your bottom down, and I'll just make sure your bleeding has stopped."

She felt around my bottom as I laid on my back, staring at the ceiling. 'Has the bleeding stopped?' I asked quietly.

"Yes, the bleeding has stopped, so we'll get you cleaned up and on your way home. I'll let the doctor know and she'll be in here in a few moments to talk to you."

The baby started kicking again, 'Well at least one baby is happy and still there.' Scott reached over to touch my belly, "I'm sorry Mitch. I didn't even know we were having twins." 'I wish I would've know sooner. I could've saved it.'

The doctor came in, "Hi Mr. Grassi, How are you feeling?" I wrapped my arms around my baby, 'I feel like a bad parent, for not knowing I had another baby.'

"Well, I guess that's not uncommon. Losing a child, especially a twin, is very hard. If you need anybody to talk to, we offer counseling for victims of miscarriages, if your interested?"

I looked up to Scott, 'Are you gonna be okay?' With his hands still on my belly he replied, "I'm fine. I think we'll all be okay. Thank you doctor."

She replied "You're welcome, if you don't have anymore questions, I guess you two are free to go home. Have a good rest of your day, and again sorry for your loss."

'Thank you doctor.' I put my clothes on as the baby started fluttering again. I looked down at my belly and smiled, 'I feel you in there, my miracle.'

Scott pressed a long kiss to my temple and leaned down to talk to the baby, "Hey baby. Ya know, you're my little Beyonce, you're a survivor." I blushed and teared up at the fact, Scott called my baby a survivor. He was right, she was a fighter.

Scott's POV

We left the hospital, and headed back to the apartment. Kirstie had fallen asleep on the couch, while the twins were watching TV. The kiddos ran up to us, "Dada, Papa!" I blocked them from running into Mitch, 'Guys, be careful, Papa's kinda sore.'

I tapped Kirstie to wake her up "Hey Kit? We're home." She stretched and sat up, "Hey! So is the baby okay?" Mitch was hesitant to answer. He sat on the couch, "Well the doctor told me I was having twins." She gasped, "Oh my god, that's so grea- wait 'was'? Did you lose them both?"

She hugged Mitch and started crying, 'Kirstie it's alright, we lost one twin, but the other baby survived.'

"Oh I'm sorry Mitchy, I'm here if you need anything.' "Thanks Kit, I could really use a friend, right now." She sat back on the couch, "There was so much blood, I thought you lost them both."

Mitch looked up at me and offered me to sit down, "So did I, but this little one in here, is one strong little baby. I'm glad I'm able to come home with one baby."

Kirstie put Alex up on her lap, "Well, did they tell you the sex?" Mitch looked at me, "Did they? I was in such a shock, I don't think she did."

Scott looked at his phone, 'I don't know, I'll give her a call later. Mitchy, why don't you go take a nap? Kirstie and I will take the kids to park for awhile.'

Mitch agreed and went to his room, "I love you, don't be gone long." I left him with a pleasureful kiss, 'I love you too, We'll be back soon. Come on guys, grab your jackets.' "Hey Scott?"

I turned around looking at Mitch, 'What?' He had his shirt up and his back was arched, "Come say goodbye to the baby......; you know you want to."

I could see the baby's feet poking out of Mitch's tiny bump, 'Fine, she's kicking alot. Goodbye baby! Daddy loves you. Muwah!' I kissed his belly and then kissed him, 'I love you Mitch, I'll be back soon.'

"Love you too. Be careful babies, I love you." They were too busy playing with kirstie to answer me. Kirstie came to kiss my belly and then headed to the park, "Bye Mitchy." "Bye Kit."

A/N: Well this chapter was sad to write. But the next few chapters won't be as sad.

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