Ch.2 - Roomates become Boyfriends

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A/N: After Mitch and Scott got home from their 2013 tour, they decide to have some fun and maybe some intimacy was involved. That night they also accepted each other and started dating. No one in petatonix would know yet, but could one surprise could change Scott and Mitch's life forever. Vote for more stories and share with your friends.

*Four weeks later*

Mitch's POV

Scott woke up one morning in a cold sweat, I walked in just as he sat up in bed "Hey babe, are you okay, you're sweating so bad." 'I don't know.' Scott replied with a green tint to his face and ran to the bathroom, where he basically threw up everything, literally everything. I took Scott to the car to drove him to the nearest walk-in clinic.

"Scott Hoying?" When the nurse said that, one girl, who recognized us from SuperFruit, walked up and said hi to Scott, asking for his autograph.

I was helping him stand up and politely told the girl "Not right now hun, if you promise not to tell anyone we are here, We will give you both our autograph and follow you on twitter. Scott just isn't feeling good right now."

"Oh my gosh, sure no problem. thank you, I hope you feel better Scott." Scott replied hoarsely "Thank you."

We got into the doctor's office as I sat Scott down next to me, my poor baby was so sick as he was willing to do was cuddle, but you know me, I love cuddling.

Scott's POV

I felt so sick, I hope it wasn't the flu but we didn't have anymore tours to go on, so if I was sick, I wouldn't have to leave home.

I felt nauseated again and asked Mitch to grab a puke bag, he ran over, and quickly grabbed one running back to me to help.

He called a nurse in to figure out why I was puking so violently. She came in and asked if there was any chance I could be pregnant.

Mitch and I looked at each other, by this time the nausea had subsided and the puking stopped, 'I don't think so, I mean we have had unprotected sex, so maybe?' "Well, we will take a urine and blood sample just to check." I went to the bathroom to pee in a cup and went back to the room for them to take blood.

The nurses said the pregnancy test would take a little while and they would let us know before we left.

That girl in the lobby was still their so Mitch ran out there with picture of us and our autographs on it and we followed her on twitter, we knew she got the notification cause we heard a squeal from the lobby. Nobody was in the lobby waiting for us so Mitch thanked her for not giving away our location. She simply posted on twitter that she ran into us at starbucks.

Anyway, the nurse came in with a big smile on her face, "Well I have the results here and the test was positive, Scott congratulations you're pregnant." I looked at Mitch who was filled with so much excitement he hugged me for dear life. I watched as his head fall down towards my belly to say hi to the baby.

"Do you want us to cancel the blood work or do you want a second conformation?" 'Yeah cancel the bloodwork, but can we do an ultrasound.' "Yes I was actually going to have you lay back so we can see how far along you may be." I laid back on the bed as she stuck a blue sheet down my pants and squirted a cold blue gel on my tummy.

'Whoa thats cold.' "Yeah I wish we had a system to warm it up but you'll get used to it." She put the wand on my belly and this little tiny blurp popped up on the screen and I see this black hole, 'Is that the baby? How far along am I?'

"Well I'm guessing around 6 weeks, so its about the size of a pea." 'Oh Mitchie look we're gonna have a baby!' Mitch at this point was inconsolable he tried to speak but was so happy, he kissed me and told me everything was okay.

Mitch's POV

So when the nurse came in to take Scott for a urine sample and blood sample, I waited in the room compliling my thoughts on wether or not my boyfriend could be pregnant, what was I going to do?

I knew I had to be strong for him but I was scared, the one night I decide to get drunk with him, he may have ended up pregnant. He came back in with a little cotton ball on his elbow. "The doctor said we would have to wait for the results of the urine test there."

*10 minutes later*

I was so happy that Scott was pregnant, we were gonna have a baby in no less than 32 weeks. I started thinking of everything we were gonna need, Clothes obviously, diapers, a stroller. OMFG a carseat.

Scott looked at the monitor, 'Is there just one baby or multiples?' The nurse kept looking at the monitor, when she looked puzzled, "Uh you might be right, there are two little blurps right here,"

When she pointed out the two different black circles. "It's really early but you're having twins, double congratulations!" I looked away from the monitor, at Scott who was crying, I grabbed his hand, feeling woozy and fainted.

When I came to, Scott was looking at me with tear stains on his angelic face. "Baby, are you okay?" 'Where am I?' "Urgent Care Clinic? I'm pregnant with twins remember?" 'Oh yeah I didn't hurt you did I? I remember holding your hand before I passed out.' "No you let go before you hit the ground."

I sighed as I lay on the bed, I reached over to touch Scott's belly. We left the doctor's office to go celebrate at Scott's favorite resturant, Olive garden, but once he smelt the fish there we had to leave or he would miserable. So I ordered some pizza and went back to the house. We ate our pizza and then cuddled on the couch till bedtime and just layed in our bed to coo over the teeny belly Scott had.

*The next morning*

I can't believe I fainted at the clinic, I felt so woozy afterwards, but once I got something to eat, I didn't feel so bad. Scott walked up behnd me grabbing me around my waist, I flipped around in his grasp, 'Well hello lips, I have somebody you should meet.'

I slammed my lips onto his and pulled him into our bedroom for a little bit of fun. It was kinda confusing figuring out if Scott should be top or bottom. But we managed to just play a little bit and then Scott got really tired and passed out. I laid with my head on his chest talking to my babies. I wondered what it would be like to have two little babies inside your tummy; probably nauseating or a little bit tickilish.

I put Scott's arm underneath my neck and fell asleep with my hand on his tiny little bump.

He tightened his grip on me with his arm and interlocked his hand with mine. Best way to fall asleep ever, right next to the father carrying your children.

A/N: Now that Scott is pregnant, with twins, might I add how should his pregnancy go? Miserably, fast, slow, or perfect. I wanna hear your thoughts swipe left to vote and comment. Thnx little critters, gumi out!

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