Ch. 23 - Taking Kody Home.

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After a few days in the hospital, Kody is ready to make the journey home.

Scott's POV

I opened my eyes, when I heard my phone ringing. Mitch called, "Hey babe?" 'Hi sweetie! How's Kody?' I went home to fix up Kody's nursery so we could bring him home today, "He's fine. He crapped on my gown last night, and now since he's pooped the doctors say he is good to go home today." I laughed, 'I'm sorry, but that's sound great. I cleaned up his nursery, he is going to be so happy here.'

I could hear Mitch smile on the phone, "I'm so glad he's coming home! I can't wai- ugh hold on a second!" I could hear Kody screaming, Mitch put down the phone and I could hear him grabbing the baby, "Baby boy! What's the matter?" 'Is he okay? Mitch?' I didn't hear anything, "Ugh sorry, I had to grab him. He scratched his face and screamed bloody murder."

'Oh-No! Is he okay?' "Yeah he has a nice gash on his face now. We need gloves for him until we can clip his nails." 'Okay, what time did they say you can come home?' Mitch paused, "Uh, they said I could leave at anytime. I just need to get Kody ready. Can you bring the carseat?" I looked around the room, 'Yeah, no problem. You want me to bring Alex and Ariel?'

"Uh, no. Call Kirstie and see if she'll watch them for a little bit. I don't think you need to wake them up." I sighed, 'Okay. I'll see you soon. I love you.' "Love you too, mhm bye." 'Bye babe.'

I gathered up all the stuff I needed to bring Kody home. Carseat, check; Clothes for Mitch and Kody, check; Call Kirstie, uncheck. I grabbed my phone to call Kirstie, "Hey Scott, what's up?" "Hey Kirstie, are you busy right now?" She paused, "No, why?" "Can you come and watch Alex and Ariel for a little bit?" She paused again, "Sure I'll be over in 10 minutes."


Kirstie knocked on the door, I walked out of the kitchen to answer it, "Hey Krust? Come on in." She stepped in and slipped off her shoes, "How are you? Where's Mitch and Kody? I didn't hear him crying." I laughed, "No, I was acutally headed to the hospital right now to get them." She turned around staring at me, "Why are you still here? Go get those boys so they don't have to sit in that mucky hospital anymore." I laughed, "Yes, ma'am! Alex? Ariel? Come here." They ran from their playroom, "I love you guys, I'm gonna go get Daddy and Kody. I'll be right back." I gave them hugs and kisses. I grabbed my keys and jacket, "Thanks again, Kirstie. I'll be back soon." She giggled, "Go on, get outta here and bring me back a baby! And Mitch as well."


I walked into Mitch's room with Kody's new carseat, he was packing his go-bag not paying attention to me. I walked up behind him wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head against his back, "Oh my gauhd! Don't scare me like that, knock first!" I giggled turning him around for a kiss, "Sorry, how are you feeling?" He sighed, "Sore, but ready to go home. What took you so long? I thought you would never make it." "Oh yeah, I asked Kirstie to come over and watch Alex and Ariel." "Oh, okay. She can see Kody before she goes home."

Mitch went back to pack his bag while they brought in Kody from the nursery, "Hi baby boy, how did you sleep?" Kody cooed and rubbed his face, "Did you bring his carseat?" Mitch asked.

I walked over to the door, "Yup, it's been in the car since we left to come have this little guy." I set the carseat on the bed and walked over to grab Kody from the crib, "Do you want to change him from these clothes or just put him in the carseat?" "These clothes aren't thick enough to keep him warm yet, that's why I packed his onesie and swaddler." Mitch said pulling the items out of his bag.

Mitch took off the onesie that Kody had on and quickly threw on one, Nel had given us before he was born. Kody cried from the cold as Mitch swaddled him in a blanket and put him in his carseat, "You're a natural at this."

He sighed, "Well, just because this is my first baby, doesn't mean it's our first time bringing a new baby home." I nodded, "What do you want me to grab, carseat or diaper bag?" Mitch paused, "Well, I have to call a nurse, they said I can't leave unless I'm in wheelchair. So if you can grab Kody, I can grab the diaper bag."

Mitch pressed his call button and a nurse walked in with a wheelchair, "Are you ready folks?" Mitch looked over at me with a huge cheeky smile, "Are you ready, babe?" I smiled and nodded my head, grabbing Kody's carseat.

Mitch's POV

I sat down in the wheelchair setting Kody's diaperbag down on my lap, while Scott grabbed Kody's carseat. I sat there as the nurse weaved me in and out the halls of the maternity ward to the elevators, with Scott and Kody right behind me.

Kody was fussing in his carseat, while Scott made shushing sounds to keep him calm, "Is he okay?" Scott looked forward at me, "Yeah, he's just hungry. He keeps flipping his tongue" I giggled, "He must get that from you." Scott chuckled, "I'm not always hungry, I just have a high metabolism." I shook my head, "We'll be home in a few minutes, baby boy."

I sat in the backseat letting Kody chew on my finger. Scott looked at me through the rearview mirror, "How's he doing?" I smiled, looking at my new baby, "He's fine. I think he's falling asleep. How close are we to home?" Scott turned the corner, "We're almost there. Are you excited?" I started to cry, but quickly wiped my tears, "I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to have Kody home."

We finally pulled into the driveway and Kirstie came out to car, "Hey Mitchy! Welcome home. Come on inside. I'll grab the baby." I didn't know what to do, I looked at Scott, then back at Kirstie and finally one word came out of my mouth, "Help!"


I woke up laying on the couch with Scott holding Kody and Kirstie was patting my head with a cold towel. I quickly sat up reaching for Kody, "What happened? Why am I on the couch? Come here, my baby boy." Scott sat down next to me, "You fainted on the lawn. Kirstie welcomed you home and then you grabbed my shirt and fainted." I held my sleeping baby and sighed, "I always get too overwhelmed. I'm sorry." Kirstie grabbed for Kody, "Let me take him for a minute." I gasped, "Hey, I was holding him!" She stuck her tongue out at me, "Well Aunt Kirstie needs her time too. You've had him for nine months, it's not fair!"

Kirstie cooed over Kody like a new toy at a preschool, "Wheres Alex and Ariel?" She looked towards their room, "Oh they're playing, Alex? Ariel? Daddy's awake if you wanna come see him." The kids came running out of their room towards me, "Daddy!"

I smiled embracing them, "Hi, my babies. I missed you guys. How are you guys?" They giggled, "Good. Where's Kody, daddy?" Ariel asked. I looked over at Kirstie, who was still holding him, "He's over there with Aunt Kirstie, maybe she'll let go of him for five minutes."

Kirstie gave me a dirty look, "Why? I had him first!" I laughed and shook my head, "Give me my baby, young lady." She handed me my tiny baby boy as Ariel and Alex cooed over their new baby brother.

I looked at Scott, "Come here, I just wanna say I love you so much. And thank you for everything you've ever given me." I gave Scott the longest kiss I ever have in a long time, "Whoa! You've never kissed me like that." Scott grabbed my face, "Did they give you something at the hospital? What did you do to my husband?" I laughed grabbing his hand pressed against my cheek, "Nothing, I'm still me. I've just never been more happy than this moment right now and our wedding, of course." Scott let out a huge laugh, "You're right. I love you, Mitch Coby Michael Grassi-Hoying." I smiled to the point of crying, "I love you more, Scott Richard Hoying."

A/N Okay my Gumi's this story is coming to an end very soon, just a few more chapters (and no more surprises) I solemnly swear on my life that there will be no more surprises. I love you guys and I thank you so much for all the Votes and Comments and Encouragements I've gotten from every single one of you reading this right now. Gumi out, Till next update.

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