Ch. 18 - This Baby Needs a Name

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A/N Just a disclaimer, This chapter does not include the birth of Baby Boy Grassi-Hoying. It does include that I need your guy's help with a name. After reading this chapter please comment a name, use your creativity on it, first and middle name. The most creative name gets a shoutout in my next chapter. Here we go.

Scott's POV

As I was waiting for Mitch's code, I had the cops on the phone,

'Hello my name is Scott Hoying, I need to speak to Officer Bradley.'

"Hello, Mr. Hoying. We have not found heard anything further about you children. What seems to be the issue tonight?"

'I have the location of where my children are.'

"And where would that be."

'My husband is inside his ex-boyfriends house right now, I'm waiting for a text code from him.'

"Okay, I'll have a team sent over there with myself to arrest him. Are you with your husband right now?"

'No he went in alone, so nobody would get hurt. He told his ex, he was in labor and he wanted to have the baby with him.'

"Okay, I have a team in route, I'll be there shortly. Stay where you are and flag us down."

'Thank you.' I hung up with the officer and waited for his text. A few moments later four cops showed up including Officer Bradley, "Mr. Hoying, have you received the text yet?" I grabbed my phone, there was the text, "Larva." Just as Mitch said was the code. 'He just texted me now.'

The cops went into the door, one had me hidden outside. I heard the door open, "Travis Wright, put your hands where I can see them." I could hear the twins crying, I looked through the window.

Mitch was standing there in a chokehold from Travis, I could see the knife against his belly, 'He needs me in there, he's got a knife on my baby.' The cop held me back, "Mr. Hoying, if you go in there he could harm your husband and your children."

I sat back and waited. I heard a gunshot and Travis yelled. Once a cop handcuffed him, I went inside to see my babies safely with Mitch, "Daddy!" They yelled as they ran into my arms, I grabbed them in a huge hug.

I walked over to Mitch, holding my babies as the cried, 'Thank you, I love you.' I kissed Mitch and held onto them, "Daddy, we were so scared!" Ariel said as I kissed all of them, 'I know sweetheart, you're okay now, I'll never let anything happen to you. Your safe with Daddy and Papa now.'

I caressed my hands on Ariel's face wiping her tears, "Daddy, why are you crying? Daddies don't cry." I cried even harder as I held onto her, 'Daddies do cry when they love their children so much.' Mitch started crying as he was holding Alex, 'Ariel honey, you're my little fighter.' She smiled, "I know daddy, I afraid I would never see you again."

She buried her face in her chest, 'I would've never let that happen, my baby.' Mitch suggested we go home. I helped him off the floor and grabbed Ariel, resting her head on my shoulder. Mitch put Alex over his belly and carried him to our car. Travis screamed as he was shoved into the officer's backseat, "Mitch please don't do this!"

I grabbed Mitch around the back, 'Come on, lets get home.' I put Ariel in the back with Alex and Mitch, they fell asleep on his lap. I looked back at my babies sleeping peacefully in the back.

When we finally made it home, I had both the kids on either shoulder. I tried to keep them asleep because we hadn't cleaned the apartment from the mess yet, I didn't want them to be scared to go inside. I laid them on our bed and let them sleep for awhile, I went into the kitchen to make Mitch and I dinner.

I heard Ariel start screaming, "Daddy! Papa! Where are you!" Mitch and I looked at each other and ran threw the door, "Ariel, come here!" Mitch ran to my side of the bed where she was sleeping, Mitch ran his fingers across her forehead, shushing her, "Shhh, it's okay, papa's right here, you're okay."

Mitch's POV

Ariel screamed while Scott was making dinner. We both ran in there to calm her down before she woke up Alex. I sat on the bed beside her, running my fingers across her head.

She was still asleep, just having a nightmare. 'I'll lay here until dinner's ready.' I moved them together and laid behind them, both of their heads resting on my arm. I could feel the baby kicking, Ariel suddenly rolled over, 'What's the matter, baby girl?'

She put her little hands on my belly, "She's kicking my back. My sister doesn't like me!" I giggled and rubbed my belly, 'Actually baby, papa's having a boy. This is your little brother.' She glared at me, "I wanted a girl, so I can do her make-up. Ally doesn't like it anymore."

I ran my fingers through her thick curly hair, 'Boys don't wear make-up, I would be mad if daddy put make up on me too.' "What is that beige stuff on your counter then?" I felt stupid when she mentioned my make-up, 'Go back to sleep sweetie, you've had a long and stressful day.' She curled up to my belly and passed out.

Scott came in 15 minutes later, I heard the bedroom door open, "Hey babe, dinner's ready." I nodded my head, 'Hey babies, time to wake up. Daddy made dinner.' Ariel quickly sat up and reached out for Scott, "Daddy?" Scott walked over kissing me on the forehead, "Wake up Alex, Papa."

I pulled my arm rolling Alex towards me, 'Hey Alex wake up bubba, nap time's over.' I knew he could hear me cause he smiled, 'That's it! Here come papa!' I kissed his face everywhere, he giggled and pushed my belly, 'Alex! You have to be careful, remember your brother is in here.' He stopped and said sorry, kissing my bump, "I'm sorry papa. I'm sorry baby." I carried him to the table, setting him in his chair, 'This looks good babe.' Scott smiled as he stuffed his face, "Thanks." I shook my head, 'Don't talk with your mouth full.'

Scott's POV

After dinner, I put Alex and Ariel to bed in our room. I wasn't planning on leaving them alone in their room again. The twins wouldn't even go near their room, my poor babies were so traumatized after that night.

'You guys okay?' Ariel rubbed her eyes and yawned, "Yeah, thank you for saving us daddy." I smiled with fear, 'You don't have to thank daddy, I would never let anything happen to you guys. You're my babies. Go to sleep guys.' I curled up next to them until they fell fast asleep.

Mitch was laying on the couch, watching spongebob. I pulled his feet up and laid them on my lap, 'How are you feeling, papa?' He sighed when I started rubbing his feet, "So much better now! Also massively pregnant." I giggled as I switched feet. He passed out on the couch with Wyatt laying on his belly, 'Hey buddy, don't squish the baby.'

Wyatt meowed and moved to Mitch's chest. 'Mitch do you wanna sleep with the kids tonight?' He yawned, "No, I'm comfy here on the couch, you go ahead. I love you." I kissed his forehead and put a blanket over him, 'I love you too. Wyatt be nice to daddy.' Mitch was Daddy to Wyatt and I was Daddy to the twins. I lifted Mitch's shirt to expose his huge belly, 'Goodnight baby boy, Daddy loves you so much. I can't wait to meet you.' I felt a foot press through against my lips. I smiled knowing my baby can hear me.

A/N Okay only a few more chapters till this story is over. Vote if you want a sequel. My new years goal is "Write 7 more ScoMiche Fanfictions" you think I can do it? Thanks Gumi's. I'm outta here.

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