Ch. 22 - Alex, Ariel and Kody!

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Hey Gumi's! Welcome to the long awaited chapters.

Mitch's POV

I laid on the bed looking at my empty baby bump, but I was happy to have my new baby boy, Kody Thomas, here with me. A happy and healthy little boy.

Scott came back in the room after calling Kirstie to bring, Alex and Ariel to the hospital to meet him, "She answered the phone and pactically yelled my ear off, "I'LL BE THERE IN 10 MINUTES! BYE!", So are you excited for them to meet Kody."

I looked at Kody who was sleeping peacefully, 'Of course I'm excited, they'll be happy to meet him. They've been talking to him for the past 7 months.' Scott giggled running his hand over Kody's soft pink face, "He's so beautiful, how did we get someone so beautiful?" I smiled, tearing up, 'It's just genetics. He probably gets it from me.' Scott diagreed, "Yeah right, that jawline is definitely mine!" I giggled again.


"Where's Daddy and Baby?" I could hear Alex in the hallway. Kirstie shushed him, "Shh there's other babies in here sleeping. Daddy's room is right here." Her voice was getting closer when I heard a knock on the door, "Come in." Scott said as they pulled the curtain back.

Kirstie smiled ear to ear as Alex ran to me, Ariel was sleeping on Kirstie shoulder, "Daddy!" Scott lifted Alex onto the bed, "Careful buddy, Daddy is still sore."

He looked over at the baby, "Is that my brover?" I smiled, 'Yeah, do you wanna meet him?" He shook his head, 'Hi Kirstie, give me my baby girl.' She laid Ariel next to me and gave me a hug, "How are you feeling?" 'I feel like I just gave birth.' She laughed, "You don't say?" Scott laughed, "Here you go, Daddy."

He handed Kody to me, who fussed and whined, 'Shh, you're okay. Now be careful, he's very little.' Alex touched his head and Kody calmed down, he knew who his big brother was. Scott smiled, "That's so cute, let me get my phone."

Scott grabbed his phone to take a picture, Kody laid there looking around and sucking his lips. 'Alex look at papa and smile.' Alex loved pictures, he threw the biggest smile towards Scott. I smiled, looking like a hot mess.

Ariel finally woke up by the draft in the room, "Daddy I'm cold!" Kirstie chimed in, "I told you these rooms were cold. It's like a meat locker in here." Scott wrapped his jacket around her, 'Ariel? Do you want to meet you brother?' She smiled looking at my arms folded around the little baby, "Whats his name?" Scott picked up Alex and sat on the end of my bed. Ariel shifted next to me, 'His name is Kody Thomas Grassi-Hoying.' Kirstie smiled, "That's a really cute name, Mitchy. Do I get my turn to hold him?" I smiled and handed her my tiny baby, "Oh he's so tiny. What was his weight?" 'Is there a weight for FATTY? I think he was


I agreed to let Scott take the kids home, so he could sleep before Kody and I had to come home. Scott went to pick up Ariel, "Say bye to daddy and Kody." Alex started to whined, "Why can't daddy and baby come with us?"

I held my arms out to Alex, who was sitting on the end of the bed, 'Come here, baby boy?' He crawled towards me, wiping his tears, 'Kody and I have to stay here for a few days until we are both okay to go home. Don't worry, Daddy will call to say goodnight and I'll be home tomorrow afternoon okay?'

He smiled and gave me a side hug. Kody whined, 'Oh not you too. You're staying here.' Then I smelled it, he was in the processing of shitting his pants! 'Hey Scottney?' I looked back at Kody, who was making the funniest crapping face ever, "What? What's wrong?"

I lifted Kody up very carefully, 'He needs a diaper change, here's your first chance.' Scott looked at me with horror in his eyes, "Why do I have to do that now?" I scoffed, 'Cause you're my husband and I'll need to sleep every once in awhile. Please?' Scott smiled picking up Kody, "Is he done yet? I don't need shit on my Beyonće shirt."

'Ya know what, fuck you're Beyonce shirt!' Scott grinned, "Is that possible?" 'Just change him please, before he gets a rash.'

Scott's POV

Mitch was laying in the hospital bed, telling Alex not to cry that he would be home tomorrow. Kody started to cry, "Oh not you too. You're staying here." Mitch said looking down at Kody. I tried to reposition Ariel on my hip, she only wanted to sleep, but I tried to keep her awake till naptime. "I'll be fine, you guys can head home. Kit you gonna stay a little bit?" She turned her head, "Yeah, sure. I love hanging with Mitchy. I brought my car so I'll just head home afterwards."

'Okay, I'll take the kiddos home. I love you daddy.' Mitch kissed my lips with passion, "Bye Daddy, I love you too." I missed his touch, 'I wish I could take you home with me today.' Mitch kissed me again, "I'll be home soon to that nice ass of mine." I smiled and grabbed Alex' hand heading out the door.

I made it down to the car and put Ariel in her carseat, "Papa? What time are we picking up Daddy?" I smiled, 'Sometime around noon. Why?' "I think we should get Daddy his coffee tomorrow." I giggled and picked him up to put him in the car, 'Ya know what buddy, that's the best idea you've ever had!'


After I buckled the kids in, I made sure their doors were secure and jumped in the front seat. "Papa, can you turn on a Pentatonix CD?" I loved the fact that my son loved my music, 'Sure buddy. Which album? Vol I, II, III, That's Christmas To Me or PTX Deluxe Edition?' He paused and then smiled, "PTX VOL II!" I agreed and popped the CD in. He fell asleep on the third song in, Love Again.

Mitch's voice always put him to sleep and Alex recognized it no matter what. Love Again is an original, but it was one of four original songs. Anyway, by the time I got home, I had two sleeping kids I had to carry inside. I grabbed both of them and laid them on one shoulder. One of our neighbours, Lacey, was coming out of her apartment when she saw me coming out of the elevator with both kids on my chest. "Hey Scott? Do you want some help?" I looked over Alex's head and giggled, "If you don't mind, grabbing my keys out of my pocket. They both fell asleep in the car."

"Oh sure." I leaned my left hip towards her with my lanyard hanging out. She grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, following me inside. I laid the kids down on the bed and talked to her for a few minutes, "So how have you been? I feel like we haven't talked since Mitch and I moved in here." She giggled, "Yeah, I've just been chillin at my place and hanging out with friends one in a blue moon. Speaking of, where is Mitch?"

"Oh, he's at the hospital, we just had our third baby, Kody Thomas." She widened her eyes, "Wow, I didn't even know you guys were expecting again, that's exciting. Congrats, daddy." I laughed, "Thanks, they should be home tomorrow if you wanna stop by and say hi." She kindly declined, "Oh no, he probably doesn't want to be bombarded with a ton of visitors. Just let me know if you have a baby shower and I'll stop by." "Okay, I'll talk to Mitch, I forgot about a baby shower." She giggled, "Well, I better be going, I was headed to the store, when I saw you towered with sleeping little ones."

"Okay, well thanks for your help. See ya later." I showed Lacey out and laid down on the couch till Ariel woke up, "Papaw!" I ran in to her room to find her crying, I picked her up out of bed and took her out to the living room cuddling with her on my lap, "What's the matter?" She sniffled for a few seconds, "I had a bad dwream. Daddy and Kody, weren't gonna make it home." I kissed her on the head and ran my fingers through her long hair, "Oh baby, they'll make it home tomorrow I promise. You, me and Alex are gonna go pick them up tomorrow. Let's go to bed, the faster we get to sleep, the faster Daddy will be home."

I kissed her on the head and laid her in my bed on Mitch's side which calmed her down. She passed out quickly. I laid down thinking about my life with my new son and how happy I was that he was here. I think I eventually started dreaming after that.

A/N UGH! Finally, I thought I was dragging this chapter on too long. If you guys are liking this book so far let me know by Voting and commenting your thoughts so far. I love you guys somaj!

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