Kindergarten Begins!

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*5 years later*

Mitch's POV

Kody is 5 years old and starting his first day of kindergarten. Alex and Ariel are 8 now and starting 3rd grade. All my babies are in school and loving life. Scott and I had dropped off the kids at school, first Alex and Ariel. I got everybody out of the car and up to the school.

Ariel looked at me, "Daddy? What time is school over." I giggled, "Ariel Michelle. School hasn't even started yet?" She sighed, "I know, I don't want to be away from you." I sighed, "Ariel, you've been away from me before. It's just a new year, a new grade. Plus Alex will be with you."

Scott chimed in, "What's so scary about it, if brother is with you?" Ariel hugged Scott's leg, "What if nobody likes me?" I grunted, "Ariel you fine. Here," I clipped my bracelet onto her backpack, "You can take me bracelet to school with you. But make sure you don't lose it. Papa got this bracelet for me when we were dating." Ariel face lit up, "I won't lose it daddy. I promise. I love you."

She gave me a kiss and headed into her classroom. Alex said his goodbyes and followed her. "They're so grown up. Maybe we should have another one?" Scott paused, "Please tell me you're not pregnant again?" I smiled, "What if I was?" Scott keep nagging me, "Are you or not?" I giggled, "No, but it would be nice to have another baby."

Scott relaxed, "You had me so happy and scared at the same time." I laughed, "I'm sorry. Maybe we could try for another girl? We have two boys." Scott nodded, "I wouldn't mind another girl." We got in the car and took Kody to school, so Scott and I could go have a daddies day.

Kody sat in the back of the car, singing along to PTX's cover of Starships, "wet's go to da veach each, wets go gwet away, day sthay what dey gonna sthay." I looked back at him and smiled, "Well look at that Mitchy, our little boy can rap you're lines. I think we may have a new member to Pentatonix." Scott said as Kody stopped.

I glared at him, "He was doing so well." Scott continued driving, "Sorry, I didn't know he would stop." I shook my head. We made it to his school, which was 15 minutes away from Alex's and Ariel's school, causing us to be an hour early. Scott and I decided to get Kody breakfast while we waited. "So are you excited for school, baby?"

Kody had his mouth full of food, "No, I wanna go home." I laughed, "You say that now, but when you see all your new friends in school. You'll love it. I promise." He frowned, "I don't wike new frineds. I wike you and dwaddy as my friends."

Scott reached back putting his hands his legs, "You'll be okay buddy. You'll only be at school for a few hours and then we'll go out for Ice Cream. What do you say?" He jumped in his seat, "Ice cream! Ice Cream!" I shook my head, "Scott Richard that boy does not need more sugar!" Scott giggled.

We dropped Kody off at school and he quietly went into his classroom. He found the desk with his name on it, Cody. I shook my head and went to talk to the teacher when Scott grabbed my arm, "Mitch it's fine. So what they spelled his name wrong." I scoffed, "No! When I gave birth to him I spelled it with a K not a C. He knows how to spell it K-O-D-Y. Let go of my arm." I broke free and went to talk to the teacher while Scott got Kody's school supplies out for him.

Scott's POV

Mitch's got upset because the teacher spelled Kody's name wrong. I tried to stop him from making a scene but he was bound and determined from changing it. I grabbed Kody's backpack and put his supplies out for him.

I saw Mitch politely talking to the teacher, pointing at his nameplate. She gasped and apologized, grabbing another sticker. Mitch walked back over to me, "See I told you I wasn't going to let it go." I sighed, "Can we go now. We have to go to the store."

Mitch agreed, "Okay. Bye baby. We love you, we'll see you afterwards." Kody wasn't even paying attention to us. I shifted his hair with my hand, "Bye buddy." We left and went to the store.

We walked around for an hour or so before we had finished Mitch's list, "I think we're done here, we have our groceries." Mitch looked at me, "Are you okay. You seemed upset."

I stretched my arms, "I don't think I sleep well last night." Mitch sighed, "Maybe you need some meltonin or something." Mitch grabbed a bottle of medicine off the shelf, "Here we go, this should help." I paused, "What do you do with it?" "You just take one and it knocks you out. It's non-habit forming." I shrugged, "Okay. I'll try it. You wanna have someone watch the kids tonight while we go have a date night?"

Mitch was looking down the aisles, "Sure, we haven't had in awhile. I could call stephanie, Kody really likes her." I scoffed, "Kody likes her boobs. Like call Marie, she can put Kody out like a light." "Okay you call her then." I picked up my phone while Mitch paid for our items.


After we made it home, Alex and Ariel took the bus home and Mitch left to go pick up Kody, "Hey guys, Dad and I are going out. Marie is gonna watch you guys. We won't be gone to long." Alex sighed, "Ugh, what's for dinner then?" I ran my hand over his head, "I'll leave some money so you guys can order pizza." They both jumped for joy, "YES!"

They grabbed their iPads and sat on the couch, "Hey, have you guys started your homework yet?" They didn't answer me.

I walked over and grabbed both electronics, "HEY!" "Have you guys started your homework yet?" Alex sighed, "I didn't get any homework today." I glared at him, "I know that's a lie mister. Mrs. Aaron sends me your report cards weekly. What about you Ari?"

Ariel didn't make eye contact with me, "I did mine in class."

I crossed my arms, "Ariel Michelle! Table!" She grunted, grabbed her backpack and stomped to the table, "I don't care if you stomp. You have to get your homework done if you want to succeed in school."

"How are you so successful if you, dad and aunt Kirstie didn't finish school?" I paused, "We eventually got school done, in between Pentatonix and and having you guys. Ya know the entire time I was pregnant with you guys, I was thinking about finishing my health classes."

Ari giggled, "Heh heh, Really. Trying to learn the reproductive system while carrying two kids. That's hilarious."

Alex was sitting on his phone, "Hey pop, do you have a picture of you, when you were pregnant with us?" I looked around, "Yeah, it's around here somewhere. Why?" He shrugged, "I'm just wondering. I'm remember when dad was pregnant with Kody, he took alot of pictures. You're fans really liked it. They always ask me at school about you guys."

I laughed, "Oh trust me. Before I came out, they always asked about me and you dad. We just brushed it off."

Marie came over just as Mitch came home with a sleeping Kody. He had a nice gash on his head, I gasped and grabbed him off Mitch's shoulder, "Oh my god, what happened to him?"

Mitch grabbed the first aid kit, "A little shit there got mad at him for not playing with him and threw him to the ground." I groaned, "Nice first day." Kody whined as I cleaned his wound and changed his bandaid, "You're okay, baby. Let me clean it."
Mitch ran his hand through his hair, "Do you still want to go tonight?" I sighed, "Are you gonna be okay, Marie?" She looked at both of us, "Yeah, you guys go. I'm fine." Mitch sighed and put Kody in bed. He came back out, "Okay we'll see you later." Marie smiled, "Have a good night boys."

A/N: Aliright ladies, one last chapter. I love you guys and thank you so much for all your encouragement through thsi entire book.

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