Ch. 6 - Alex and Ariel are here!

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A/N: Well Scott gave birth just fine. The babies are great and perfectly healthy. Scott and Mitch visit them everyday and make sure they are developing just fine.

Mitch's POV

Scott and I went to the hospital as much as possible, to visit the twins and check their progress. Alexander Hayden and Ariel Michelle were now four weeks old and still so tiny. The doctor said we could hold them without any tubes attached to them.

We got them settled in their carseats, to go home. But first Scott wanted me to call the PTX crew and invite them over for a little "meet and greet". Kirstie of course agreed but Kevin and Avi were leaving to go home.

We met Kirstie outside our apartment, once she saw the babies she cried, obviously. I helped Scott get up the stairs and put the twins inside.

I pulled Ariel out of her carseat, being so careful not to let her head fall or drop her. Scott looked at her angelic face, she opened her eyes to look around, I gasped, 'She has my eyes!'

The little baby started crying, I held her to my chest and shushed her till she calmed down a bit. Scott looked at me like I hit her, "Oh baby it's okay, daddy didn't mean to scare you." I quietly grunted to him, 'Ugh, I didn't do shit!' Kirstie asked to hold Alex, as Scott slowly handed her the baby.

"He is so beautiful, I didn't think you guys could create such beautiful babies." We sat and cooed over the new additions to our family. We kept switching babies, when I finally got Alex.

I put a box inside his onesie and handed him to Scott. He felt the object and pulled it out, 'Mitch, what is this?" He opened it to see a gold band with his name engraved on it.

"Scott Richard Hoying, I knew I loved you, the moment I laid my eyes on you over 3 years ago, I have no idea why I didn't do this sooner. I want to know if you'll do me the honor of becoming Mr. Mitch Grassi-Hoying?'

Kirstie and Scott were crying as the babies laid silently in the arms, "Yes Mitch, I do!" I put Alex in his bouncer so I could give Scott a huge kiss and bridal style make out.

Kirstie watched as Ariel looked around for me and started fussing.

"Well I guess someone doesn't want you to get married?" Kirstie said as she tried to shush the baby. I picked her up and took her to change her diaper while Scott swooned over his new engagment ring.

He couldn't wait. I was so happy I was marrying the love of my life. I changed Ariel and took her back to papa.

Scott held her, "You don't want daddy and papa getting married huh? Is that right baby girl?" She grunted as if she were saying no. We all laughed as Alex snoozed like a rock, just like me!

My babies were perfect! Nothing could take me away from them. Ariel had her little hand wrapped around Scott's finger like a moth to a flame.

But Alex was my laid back, chill baby. He slept so much, I always found some way to get him to cry or even fuss just to make sure he was still alive.

He was my biggest worry. Scott and I only woke up a few times to get a bottle or a diaper change, but first night home with the twins was great.

Scott's POV

We brought the twins home after a long time of being in the hospital and Kirstie came over to meet Ariel and Alex.

I loved the names we picked out. It fit them so well. Ariel had long, dark hair like Mitch and Alex definately looked just like dad.

I held my little boy as he looked around the room, he was just exploring his new world. Ariel started crying when I see Mitch come out and go to my old room to grab her. 'Babe is she okay?'

He walked out to the living room, with Ari on his chest, facing outward, "Yeah she is just hungry, she had a good nap though." I looked at my little girl who just stared at me, 'Hi sweetheart, how are you?'

She pursed her lips and cooed at me, it was like a full blown conversation with a 1 month old. Mitch got it on camera while watching over the phone crying. 'Babe, are you okay?'

He sniffled, "Yeah I'm fine, that's just so cute, she's so in tune. It's like she has met you before." We said goodbye to Kirstie and put the twins down for bed, so Mitch and I could have some alone time. "I love you, thank you."

Mitch looked up at me, 'For what?' "Uh! For delievering our children. They're both alive because of you.'

"Don't thank me, We had so much adrenaline coursing through our veins, I had to act fast or you and/or the twins could've died. I don't know what I would do without you, now that the twins are here and safe, I can't be a day with out them.' He rested his head back on my chest as we held hands and cuddled.

I pulled him closer to me as we were having a nostalgic movie night, first watching Toy Story. Of course, the movie was paused every 30 minutes for either me or Mitch to check on the babies.

I got up the second time to check on Ariel, who cried more than Alex. She laid in my arms and stared at me while I tried to rock her back to sleep. Obviously wasn't gonna happen.

So I walked out to the living room and handed her off to Mitch so I could make a bottle for her. As I was making a bottle, I could hear Mitch and Ariel cooing back and forth to each other.

I couldn't help but tear up. I asked Mitch if he wanted me to give her the bottle or if he wanted to? 'No it's okay I can give it to her.' He reached out for the bottle and fed her the entire thing. For a 1 month old, that's alot of food.

She thankfully passed out afterwards and Mitch put her back to bed. I turned off the T.V. and waited for my husband on the bed. He walked in and laid down next to me. We eventually passed out for an hour or so, before I got up to change Alex, but then the twins slept the rest of the night.

A/N: Until next time, Scott and Mitch are planning their wedding. One year later, the twins are walking now, so they have been picked to be the ring bearer and flower girl. No fans will be there so, at least the tw

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