Bloodlines/ The White Lion

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Jay's POV

We finally managed to get Lotor on throne, so that was one problem out of the way. And now that Sam had done all he could do with us here, he was returning back to Earth now.

"We're really going to miss you, sir", Shiro said, sincerely.

"But you guys seem to be just fine without me", Sam said, "Your mission is here. Mine is on Earth. As soon as I get back, I'll inform the Galaxy Garrison what's going on and start working to upgrade our planetary defenses."

"Well, tell Iverson, the next time I see him, I'm gonna kick his butt for strapping me to that table."

I chuckled because I knew that was gonna come up sooner or later.

"I'll make sure to tell him that", Sam said with a chuckle.

"Hey, I had everyone record some messages for our families. A little head's up, I got teary in mine, so... that's for Mom's eyes only", Hunk said, holding a camcorder.

"Of course."

"You don't wanna see Lance's either, since it's probably just a love message to someone back on Earth. What was her name again?"

"Shut up, Hunk!", Lance yelled in embarrassment.

"Okay. I was just joking around, jeez", Hunk said, "You okay, dude?"

"I'm fine. It's just... Once I started thinking about going back to Earth, I... I started missing my mom and my brother Marco and my brother Luis and my sister Veronica and my grandma and..."

I heard Lance's voice cracking and a sniff come from him.

"Um, are you crying?", Hunk asked.

"No! No, I just... I got space dust in my eyes. It's very dusty in here", Lance answered, trying to be tough.

I laughed a little but then my smile faded. Going on all of these missions had made me forget about my foster parents. I knew that I moved of their house when I was 16, Earth year wise, but they technically still had custody over me and I knew that they still get money from the government. Maybe. Maybe not, but I just don't think that I'll be ready to face them whenever we go back to Earth. They'll probably try to hurt me again for running away to where they couldn't find me.

"Excuse me? Jay, wasn't it?", Sam asked me.

"Y-Yes, sir?", I answered.

"I know that your real home and family aren't around anymore, but I've heard that you've lived on Earth for some time now. Did you have anyone you wanted to say hello to?"

"U-Um... W-Well, I'm not on great terms with the people who took me in. I don't even consider them as family so..."

"I understand. Well, I guess this is it."

"I wish I could go with you. I'd love to help build Earth's first galactic defense system", Matt said.

"I'm worried that we won't have enough time and resources to make even a dent before we need it", Sam said.

"A wise man once told me, 'If you get worried about what could go wrong, you might miss your chance to do something great.'", Pidge quoted.

"Sounds like a wise man indeed. Matt, you be careful on the front lines. And, Pidge, keep an eye on your brother for me."

"You got it, Dad."

Then Sam started to cry as well as he hugged his son and daughter.

"I love you both so much", he said.

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