A Little Adventure

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Jay's POV

We were planning on going back to Earth, but Shiro was in no condition to travel yet. Considering that Allura had brought him back to life, it was understandable. We had to place him back in the cryopod he just came out of.

"Is-- is he gonna be okay?", Hunk asked.

"I believe he will", I answered.

"Only time will tell if this body will accept Shiro's consciousness", Allura explained.

"Is there anything we can do to help?", Lance asked.

"I've tried to contact the Voltron Coalition, but I can't get through to anyone. It doesn't make sense", Pidge said, "There might be some distortion I'm not picking up on. Maybe we need to get into the upper atmosphere for a better signal?"

"The lions aren't going anywhere without recharging their power cores", Hunk said.

"The battle with Lotor was really intense and the Castle of Lions is gone so we won't be able to actually recharge them", I said.

"Is there any other way to recharge them?", Pidge asked.

"They can recharge naturally given enough time and ambient energy, but that might take phoebs", Coran answered.

"There's gotta be something we can do", Keith said desperately.

I couldn't relate to Keith's pain, but I could feel it. Shiro was the closest thing he had as family before finding his mom again. He had the right to worry at this point.

"We are on the Dalterian Belt, home to the element faunatonium. We may be able to use it as a temporary solution", Coran said.

"Faunatonium? How will that charge the power cores?", Lance asked.

"It involves gluon field fluctuations--"

"Uh, you know what, Coran? Maybe it's not the best to get into detail right now", I said, saving Lance from a very long explanation.

"Magic or something? Sure", Lance said.

"Not far off. We're going to use the element to expand the energy particles within the cores", Coran said, "But first, we need a yalmor."

"Wait, there are yalmors on this planet?", Hunk asked.

"How do you think we find the faunatonium? Yalmors have a nose for the stuff."

"Coran, we never knew how that worked. Yalmors don't exist on Earth", I said.

"Okay. You guys find a yalmor and get this faunatonium", Keith said, "I'll stay with Shiro."

"I'll stay as well", Allura said, "I may have exhausted the limits of what I learned on Oriande, but I still might be able to help in some way."

"All right, then, we'll get started", Coran said and everyone started heading out.

"Wait", Romelle called out, "you just fought Lotor, defeated him, stopped an explosion that could have destroyed reality, took your friend's consciousness from the Black Lion of Voltron, and put it inside his clone, and now we're simply moving on?"

"Trust me, I'm always saying the exact same thing", Hunk said, "but these guys like to move on."

"It's nothing new, honestly", I said.

"You're going with them?", Krolia asked me.

"I am. It'll help me get my mind off of things."

"You be careful", Keith said.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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