The Black Paladins/ All Good Things/ Defenders of All Universes

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Jay's POV

While I was unconscious, the paladins, including Keith, went after 'Shiro', Lotor and the generals. But since 'Shiro' escaped with the ship Lotor, Allura and I made, it was going to be hard because of the amount of quintessence that was absorbed. Voltron took multiple hits from the ship's laser. And the current was still ongoing and pressing Voltron against a rock.

"I'm headed your way", Coran said.

"Coran, no!", Keith argued, "The Castle of Lions barely survived the first time we fought one of those ships. You only--"

But he was cut off by a grunt in pain.

"Keith is right. The ship's defenses will never hold this one", Allura said.

"Coran, fire just below our postion", Keith said.

"What?", Coran asked.

"Destroy the rock we're pinned against. Now!"

Coran shot the rock Keith was talking about and it was crushed into tiny pieces and Voltron was still being pushed back.

Voltron then was blasting at the many asteroids that surrounded them, trying to get away from the ships. But that didn't work as it was dragged by three ships into the one of the rocks in front of them.

Then all of a sudden, a wormhole appeared in front of the quintessence ship. But this wormhole was different from Allura's because it was purple.

That can't be... Is that... Haggar's? But I thought only Allura knew how to wormhole, I thought.

But my thoughts came to an end as Voltron disbanded and only the Black Lion made it through the closing wormhole.

"Keith..?", I muttered.

"Don't worry. He'll be fine", Krolia reassured as she put a hand on my shoulder.

The rest of the paladins came back into the bridge so we could find out how to get Keith and Shiro back.

"How's your neck?", Lance asked me.

"It's sore and I know it's bruised, but I'll be okay", I answered.

"Okay, all the Lions are in there hangars and their power cores appear to be recharging", Pidge said.

"But, structurally speaking, the Lions are only at about 60%. And whatever those ships hit them with, really did some damage", Hunk said.

"Any luck yet, Lura?", I asked.

"No. I'm afraid not", Allura answered, "I fear that the wormhole may have deposited them beyond my ability's reach."

"I'll try to contact some coalition forces to provide assistance", Coran said.

But as Coran ran to the screens, the Castle started to shake.

"Coran, what's happening?", Allura asked.

"It appears that the Castle's systems are shutting down one by one", Coran answered, "As though someone hacked into the ship and let loose a 'kill' protocol of some sort."

"Have you tried an override?", Pidge asked.

"Or maybe counteracting it with a 'live' protocol?", Hunk asked, "Is that a thing?"

"The virus is moving too fast", Coran warned.

"Okay, I'm in the system", Pidge said, "Subroutines eight through 9 have me completely locked out. But if I can skip ahead to-- Come on, come on, come on."

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