Chapter 13

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Pepper snuck out early and avoided Tony. She didn't want to speak to him after the way he accused her last night. She was focused on having a nice day all to herself. She exited her salon and she had a renewed spring in her step. She had a fresh wax, fresh nails, a fresh color and cut and beautiful new lash extensions. Her next stop was to Dr. Blaine's office for her mommy makeover consultation.

She checked in at the desk and turned in her paperwork, she pre signed to save time and waited to be called. She was so happy she was finally on her way to having the body she had before having children.

"Virginia Stark," the medical assistant called and Pepper followed her into the room.

Hearing Stark as her last name was still a shock to her system. She was Potts for as long as she could remember.

She began her full medical pre-check and then came the question.

"Any recent surgeries?"

"I had an accident a few months ago and I was in a coma. I got hit in the head with a coconut and I have some retrograde amnesia," she admitted.

"Have you had any occupational therapy or any other treatment for this?" the assistant asked.

"My husband has a machine, B.A.R.F, and he's close to getting it to retrieve memories from a damaged thalamus," she said.

"I'm sorry. Barf?," the woman said looking at her like she's crazy.

"It's short for Binarily Augmented Retro framing. It's a machine my husband invented. It's a complex holographic system that connects with the user's hippocampus, allowing it to find a certain traumatic memory and alter it before projecting it onto an external infrastructure, but he's fixing it to retrieve my memories. My husband is a genius," she said proudly.

"Ok, I will need you to undress from the waist up and put this on and the doctor will be in soon,"

Pepper undressed quickly and waited anxiously for the doctor to come in and after what felt like an eternity she finally opened the door.

"Welcome back Virginia," the Dr. said.

"I go by Pepper," she said quietly.

"Ok Pepper,"

"It's a nickname from my former boss, who is now my husband. I used to work in the finance department and there was a mistake in his math and my boss laughed it off, but the mistake would have cost him millions so I took it upon myself to go directly to his office and his security wouldn't let me in and I threatened them with pepper spray and he also loves my red hair and freckles so I was Pepper ever since, only my parents and a few friends call me Ginny," she said in a mouthful.

It was nervous chatter that she couldn't shut off.

"Ok Pepper you're here to talk about the mommy makeover. You've been here for a consultation for this before and then you changed your mind why?" the doctor asked.

"I don't know. I can't remember. I asked my husband and he told me I never told him why,"

"And why do you want the surgery now?" Dr. Blaine asked.

"Because I had an accident and I was in a coma and I woke up in my fifties with sagging breasts and loose skin around my stomach and hair growing in places I normally remove it. I took care of the hair this morning and I need you to take care of the rest. I hear you're the best," Pepper explained.

"I'm not sure this is the right time for a surgery like this,"

"But I don't feel comfortable in this body. I don't feel like myself. I have three kids and I don't regret that but I didn't expect to look this bad. Everytime I see my naked reflection I cringe. I just want to restore my breasts and this skin around my stomach to the way they were before kids. I eat right and work out and nothing works,"

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