Chapter 20

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Tony and Pepper were laying in bed kissing and cuddling and enjoying some alone time before the kids woke up.

"I don't think you should go back to the office anymore. Just work remote permanently ," Tony said as he began leaving kisses on her neck.

"Tony I have to. And I'm ready. I've been studying everything for months," she said as she got ahold of his neck.

"S.I. can survive,"

Pepper pinned Tony down and laced his neck and earlobes with kisses.

"This isn't just about S.I.  I want to go back to work," she said.

"Well you're not going anywhere until I'm done with you," Tony said flipping her over so he was on top of her. He reached over to grab his blindfold off the nightstand and raised his eyebrows at her.

"Tony no way. I have to get ready. I don't want to be late my first day back,"

"Pep we have an hour. I can get you off in fifteen minutes or less. And that gives you forty five minutes to get ready and get in the car and I will take care of the kids?" he said with a smirk.

"Tony I can't,"

"What better way to start your day? I'll wait," he asked.

An hour later Pepper was carrying her purse, laptop bag and her makeup bag to the door when Happy pulled up. She was indeed not ready because Tony Stark was the most convincing man she'd ever met and he convinced her to fool around before her first day back at work. 

She was about to open the door when Tony stopped her.

"I don't want you to go Pep. I know I can't stop you but I'm scared of losing you again. Please be careful and I love you," he said.

Pepper smiled that smile that told him she loved him even though she couldn't remember and he leaned in to kiss her. Then she left and Tony was sad.

He got the kids entertained with a movie and he took advantage of the free time to keep investigating the extremis virus. He knew it had to be injected into the brain stem perfectly in order to work but he wasn't willing to try it on Pepper until he knew for sure it wouldn't harm her. He studied the data again to see if there was anything he missed and he was frustrated.

He literally saved his own life by replacing the palladium killing him and he saved the world thousands of times and he can't fix Pepper. It was annoying him more than anything. He was happy with the way things were going between Pepper and him but he wanted to figure this out. He needed it as a backup if things went south.

Pepper was feeling great to be back in the office. She was welcomed back with many flowers and balloons and gifts in her office even though she asked them not to make a fuss. She was sitting at her desk and reading all her cards and smiling to herself when the phone rang nearly making her jump out of her skin. She answered it and she looked out the window and she was people watching and taking notes when she saw a familiar car. It looked like Brad's car. But lots of people who work in Manhattan drive luxury cars. And how would Brad know she was back to work? He wouldn't. She told herself it was ridiculous and went back to her desk.

Pepper was feeling great at 12:30p.m.. She was looking forward to lunch outside the building with her secretary when there was a commotion in the lobby. There was Brad demanding an appointment with Pepper and one of Happy's security team was pushing him back.

"Mrs. Stark this man wants to speak to you but he's not on the list," the security offer said.

"Ginny come on, tell them who I am. I need to talk to you," he said as he struggled to get past the security guard that was holding him back.

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