Chapter 6

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Pepper's eyes fluttered open and she felt random pains throughout her body but it was her head that hurt the most. She didn't know what day it was but she really hoped that she didn't miss the opening of the new art gallery she was supposed to go to with Obediah. It took her a moment to realize someone was holding her hand. She turned to look and it was Tony. He had her right hand in his left hand and he was sleeping. She felt a flutter in her heart. She had never seen such emotions from Tony before but he was her boss and hospital or not it was inappropriate and she began to slide her hand out from his and she noticed a bright platinum wedding band. It was so big in fact it was blinding and she felt a rip through her chest that felt so real she thought she was dying.

Tony Stark is married.

It took all of her will not to cry. What did she expect? She was just his assistant and he was never going to love her let alone marry her? But who did marry this jerk? And since when did Tony have any interest in getting married? Her hand was finally free and he opened his eyes and he jumped up.

"Oh Pepper honey you're up. Thank god baby. I was so scared," he said as he leaned over the bed to kiss her forehead.

Pepper stared at him for a minute not speaking.

Baby? Honey? For sure this is just Tony's fears coming to the surface.

She stared at him for a long hard minute and he was unrecognizable. She didn't know how long she was asleep but he wasn't the Tony she remembered when she went to sleep. He had more lines around his eyes than she remembered and the grey spread from not just the temples anymore but throughout his entire head. He was still handsome. Nothing in the world could ever change those eyes.

"When did you get so grey?"she said, not realizing her thoughts slipped out loud.

"You've been asleep for almost six weeks and the first thing you do is insult me. Sounds about right," he said as he reached for her hand again but she pulled it away protectively.

Who does he think he is? He's a married man.

Pepper was angry.

"I am so upset. I missed the opening of that art gallery in Pacific Palisades. Did Obediah go without me?"she asked, trying to change the subject.

Tony laughed.

"What's so funny?"she asked angrily.

Her face was getting red.

"Pep Obediah is dead. I assumed you we're making a joke. Morgan definitely gets that from you,"

Obediah dead? Morgan? What did I miss? Her thoughts were jumbled and her head hurt. She had so many questions and she couldn't control what came out of her mouth.

"Where are my parents? Have they been here?"she asked.

"They were but they're home watching the kids now," he said.

Kids? Tony had children. This was too much to take.

"Why are my parents with your kids? Where's your wife?"she said venomously.

"Oh no Pepper sweetie. They are our children. You're my wife. The doctor said you might be confused when you woke up," Tony said, not sure how she was going to react. He hoped this was temporary and Pepper wasn't going to be hostile to him. He was afraid but he wanted to stay strong for her.

"WHAT?"she said in a mixture of confusion and anger.

"We have been together eighteen years, Pep. We have 3 children," he said calmly even though his stomach was in knots.

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