Chapter 4

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It was day four of Tony and Pepper's vacation and they woke up naked together for the fourth day in a row. They were fully taking advantage of their kid free time by sleeping late, having sex and sleeping naked even though they were starting to miss them. Pepper nuzzled deeper into Tony and he squeezed her in response.

"We should get up and enjoy the day," she said.

"We should, but that doesn't mean I'm going to move anytime soon," he said as he squeezed her even tighter.

" We should explore the trails today," she said.

"Whatever you want babe,"

They laid like that in silence for another fifteen minutes before they moved.

They got dressed and they would be going right to dinner after the trail tour so Pepper wanted to wear her red heart necklace that Tony had made. They had a quick bite to eat for lunch and they went off to explore the trails. Pepper opted for sneakers this time since Tony mentioned there would be snakes and lizards but she put a pair of sandals in her backpack. They had a tour guide who was pointing out various animals on the route such as a blue tongue skink, and a colony of fruit bats which freaked Pepper out and she hid behind Tony while they passed the trees with the bats in them.

"If you look over to the right there are a few white breasted waterhens. You can find them widely spread across south and southeast asia. Their body is flattened laterally to allow easier passage through the reeds or undergrowth," the man said as they followed along.

They got to a part where they could see the coast and he pointed out some of the placid waters that are preserved for sea turtles to swim. The tour was over and he was leading them back. They were almost where they started when the tour guide held some branches out of the way from the invasive alien plants and when Pepper ducked her head she didn't notice that her necklace had fallen off.

They went to dinner and had outdoor seating at a beautiful restaurant. Pepper ordered the fish curry with steamed rice. Tony ordered the Boshi Mashuni which is a banana flower salad.

"This is delicious," she said as she munched on the fish.

"Mine is good too. Here try this," he said putting his plate in front of her and let her have a bite.

"Here, try my fish," she said, feeding him a bite and putting her hand under the fork so it wouldn't spill.

"Mmmm" he murmured.

"I think we should go back to the room for dessert," he said with a wink.

"Nope I booked us couples massages," she said.

"Did you ask for a woman massage therapist?" he asked, feeling the jealousy rising in his chest.

"I didn't ask for anyone specific. I just booked it," she said as they paid the bill.

"But I don't want some guy and his grubby hands on you," Tony said as he took her hand in his as they headed for the spa.

"Tony we don't know if it's going to be a guy or a girl and besides we'll be in the same room," she said.

"That doesn't mean he won't try anything," Tony said as he brought her hand up to kiss it.

"Well then you could always have him rub you," she teased.

"Just come on," he said.

They got there early and took advantage of the sauna. It gave them time to digest. After twenty minutes they were called in for their appointments.

"Let's see, we have the swedish massage for Pepper and I have Tony down for a deep tissue," the woman said.

"Will you be doing the massage?" Tony asked.

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