Chapter 25

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Pepper woke up and she was still feeling the rush from her night of lovemaking with Tony. She turned to face him and he was smiling.

"You're blushing," he said with a smile.

"Because last night was really amazing. I can't believe I was being so silly about you seeing me naked and wanting to have the mommy makeover. I'm not going to have the surgery," she said.

"I told you," he said.

"Tony never in my wildest dreams did I think we'd fall in love and be married and have children and be old and grey together," she said as she sat up to stretch.

"Yeah you have. We both have. You just don't remember those dreams," he said with a wink.

Pepper kissed him and she got on top of him and she was ready for round two but Tony had to stop her.

"We can't Pep. Happy has plans and I promised we'd be back to get the kids by eleven,"

Pepper sighed and slid off of Tony.

"Why don't we have sex like we did last night more often?" she said.

"Because we have three young, curious children and we're tired and I'm old. Our lives are chaotic," he said.

"But we could make special plans to stay overnight here more often," she said.

"I try Pep. You always shoot it down and tell me work is too busy," he said as he got out of bed.

Pepper sighed.

An hour later Pepper and Tony returned home and the kids were so happy to see them. They all had lunch together and Happy went home. The kids wanted to go out and play and since the pool was locked And the dogs were outside as well Pepper allowed them to run around while periodically peeking out the window until she was ready to go outside herself.

"Hey honey I need to run to the store. I need some materials. I really want to finish my changes on B.A.R.F," he said.

"Go ahead. I'm going to do some reading outside while the kids play," she said as she opened the door and sat down on a chair while they were chasing each other and the dogs were playing with them as well.

Pepper was reading a book about composting and watching the kids playing hide and seek. She wasn't worried at all because their yard was big but also fenced in and there were only so many places they could hide and the dogs usually gave up their hiding places for them.

About ten minutes passed and Pepper heard a scream that went right through her. Then she heard crying so horrific she knew someone was hurt. She looked up and scanned the yard and then Rocky, their German Shepard came running and barking and she knew something was really wrong. She followed him around the yard until she found the kids. They were all crying but the scream had come from Tony. His arm was broken and it looked like some bones were peaking out. Pepper was panicking inside but she didn't want to freak them out so she grabbed her phone to call 911 and then Tony while she comforted her son. She asked them what happened and Tony fell from the tree he was climbing. He knew he was not supposed to be climbing and this was a conversation they were going to have later. She brushed his hair back gently and wiped at his tears. Once the EMT's arrived and got the other two kids in the car and followed behind. She was devastated to leave Tony jr to ride in the ambulance by himself but Tony was still 20 minutes away and no one was around to be with the girls who were scared and crying.

When they got there the Doctor asked her rapid fire questions about his medical history including his blood type and if he had any previous broken bones and Pepper answered them without difficulty. Now she had to sit and wait.

Tony arrived and he raced over to Pepper who was sitting with the girls.

"He's going to be fine. They are setting his arm now," she said as she got up to hug him.

"Pep, how did you know all the medical history?" he asked.

At that moment Pepper realized that she knew the history. She remembered when the twins were born and she remembered when Tony proposed and the night on the roof during the hammeroid attack. All the memories were rushing to her brain at once and tears started escaping her eyes.

"TONY I remember. I remember it all," she said as she kissed his lips.

"I remember the night on the roof when you kissed me. I remember our wedding and when Morgan was born and the twins. I remember it all," she said through tears.

"Then why are you crying?" he teased as he wiped her tears away.

"Because I'm happy. I love you. I can't believe how amazing you've been since I woke up from the coma. You were so supportive and respectful of me even though you were going through hell. Even though I put you through hell. I'm so sorry. But I love you with my memory or not," she explained.

"Well that's a relief," he teased.

The doctor came up and said they could see Tony. They piled into the room and he was sitting up with his cast and he was all smiles.

"This is so cool," he said as he showed them his cast.

Pepper and Tony both kissed his head.

"Tomorrow we're going to have a talk about you climbing the tree outside," Pepper said.

The doctor discharged them a little while later and they headed home.

Pepper was smiling at Tony the whole way home and he couldn't help but smile back. Pepper was back and she wasn't perfect but she was his. From that day forward her memory was restored but there were still days she was confused and only remembered after her coma but it didn't last long. The one thing that was constant was their love for each other and their children and no matter what they were gonna make it.

The End.

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