Chapter 9

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Tony was up with the birds. All he did was make coffee and he went immediately to work on trying to update B.A.R.F.

"Ok FRIDAY run every combination," he said as he sat back and watched.

"None of these combinations are suitable for use on the thalamus without a live subject,"  his A.I. said.

"Just run them anyway" he said.

"Negative results sir," said the female A.I. voice.

"So I need Pepper?" he asked in frustration.

He needed the person he wasn't currently speaking to.

"I'm not speaking to her. How about Morgan?" he asked.

"We need a live subject whose memories have been depleted," she said.

"I don't know if you heard me but I'm not speaking to Pepper," he said as he raised his voice.

"Sir due to her condition I highly recommend a speedy reunion between you and Mrs. Stark," FRIDAY suggested.

"Did you not hear what she said to me last night? She said marrying me makes her feel like a fraud. How does she think that makes me feel? You know FRIDAY none of this would have happened if you didn't let Janis in. Pepper got mad at me over a sex toy. I'm not talking to her," he stated again as he stared at the machine and resisted the urge to smash it. He needed a live subject whose memory was depleted but not Pepper.

"What about me? I don't remember anything from the time I was healing with the extremis virus. If I hook myself up to B.A.R.F will it work?" he said.

"I can run a calibration,"

"Absolutely no interruptions. If Pepper or the kids try to find me tell them I cannot be disturbed. Keep the door locked," Tony said as he hooked the electrodes up to his head and closed his eyes.

Tony was deep in a haze and he saw fields of color while the machine tried to pull lost memories out of the thalamus rather than present a less traumatic altered version of how they actually feel. He could see the room around him while he was in the cocoon. Pepper was by his bedside watching and waiting. She was extremely pregnant and would most likely give birth any day. A curious Morgan kept trying to peer in through a crack in the door.

"Morgan I told you not to come in here," Pepper said sternly.

"Why is Daddy in a cocoon? Is he going to become a butterfly?" she asked softly.

"No he'll still be human but all fixed up with no injuries," Pepper tried to explain.

"What if a giant radioactive spider eats him while he's in a cocoon?" she asked as her eyes got big.

"Morgan there's no such thing as giant radioactive spiders,"

"Yes there is. Daddy told me stories about them at night," she said angrily.

"Morgan you know you and your Dad have quite the imagination. Come on I'm starving and so are these babies. This mama needs to eat," Pepper said steadying herself with one hand on the arm of the chair as she walked towards the door.

Tony unhooked the electrodes and tried to catch his breath as tears poured out of his eyes. He had no idea what his little girl went through because of his decision to nearly sacrifice himself.

"What do you mean no interruptions?" Pepper said venomously to the A.I. As she tried to open the door to the garage.

"We're running tests. He specifically said no interruptions not even from you. He also said don't worry about the kids getting to school Mr. Hogan would take them," FRIDAY explained.

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