Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you're going to be ok? I can always have Happy stay with the kids and you can come to work with me and get a feel for what's new at S.I.?" Tony asked as he adjusted his tie.

Pepper stared at him for a moment and she was admiring him in his suit. It reminded her of the last time she remembered seeing him in a tux. It was a charity benefit for wounded veterans and they were sharing an elevator to get to the ballroom.

"That's a nice dress," he commented to her as he tried to check her out discreetly.

"Thank you," she said trying to remain professional.

"But you know where it would look better?"he asked.

"Let me guess. Your bedroom floor? Does that line really work on women?" Pepper responded.

"Usually," he said.

"The women you pick are morons," she said as she headed out of the elevator.

"Pepper, are you listening to me?" he asked, bringing her back to the present.

"I'm fine. Go to work. I think I can handle a few hours with the kids. It's not like I've never been around children," she said secretly appreciating how good Tony looked in a business suit.

"I don't want you driving around getting lost or something so Happy will pick them up and drop them off for school and if you need me call me or use FRIDAY. She knows where everything is in the house. She knows the kids routines and basically anything you need," he reassured her.

"I'll be ok. Go," she said pushing him again.

"I don't want to. Pep if these contracts didn't require one of our signatures I would stay home. But one of us needs to be at S.I. at least one day a week. I will try and do as much as I can remotely but there is a meeting I can't miss,"

"I know. I was your assistant for ten years,"

"I'm just scared Pep. After your accident I don't want to leave you ever. What if something happens to you again when I'm not there?" he said.

"Everything will be fine," she said trying to reassure him.

"You're the one thing I can't live without," he stressed.

"Tony you need to go now or you're going to be late. Would you like to call me a few times to check in?"

"It would make me feel better if it's not too much to ask,"

"Ok now go," she said with a smile.

He went to kiss her goodbye out of habit and she backed away from him and he realized his mistake but also felt the sting of rejection.

"I'm sorry. Force of habit. I'm still trying to rewire my brain to not touch you," he said trying to hide the hurt in his voice but Pepper could see right through it. It was one of the things she was really good at. She could read him better than he could read himself.

"Tony I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I-

"No apology necessary. You had an accident but I know you love me. You might not know that but I do," he said as he walked out the door.

Pepper felt guilty for pulling away from Tony. She could stay here and try and be his wife and be a mother but giving herself to him and kissing him was a can of worms she wasn't ready to open. Pepper didn't know what to do with her time. She wasn't used to not working. She opened her computer and decided to go through her emails anyway to see if there was anything about what was going on at S.I. that she might remember. She read through her emails which of course were all very confusing.

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