Chapter 23

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Pepper's sinus infection went from bad to worse. Her headaches were so bad that she couldn't even focus and she developed a fever and chills. Tony convinced her to call in sick with the promise that he would take care of the calls and emails and anything that required immediate attention. He always hated the meetings and the work. He just liked to build things but he would do it for Pepper.

He opened the door to the bedroom with a care package for Pepper. It included Tylenol cold and fever, a heating pad for the body aches, electrolyte water, a box of tissues and Vick's vaporub. Pepper sat up groggily and frowned at Tony's appearance. He was wearing a cloth face mask anytime he was around her.

"Don't be such a wimp," she said.

"Pepper I can't get sick. You know this. If I get sick, who's going to run the household? Who will do the work? Who's going to make dinner?" he explained.

"You weren't worried about getting sick last night when you wanted to have sex?" she reminded him.

"That's different Pep. We can still have sex without me kissing you," he explained.

"Just give me my water," she said as she grabbed it off the tray.

"I'm going to make you some avocado toast. Would you like anything else?" Tony asked.

"No that's all I think I can stomach right now,"

Tony went into the kitchen to make the toast and the phone rang suddenly and FRIDAY informed him that it was the kids day camp calling. They went to camp three days a week to have more activities and to see their friends.

He answered and stopped in his tracks immediately. Tony jr was sick. He had an accident and went to the bathroom in his pants. And they said he was warm to the touch.

"Hey Pep. Tony is sick. He had an accident in his pants and I have to go and pick him up. Dum-E is going to bring the toast,"

"Oh no. I hope he doesn't have what I have," she said.

"Me either," he said, donning a mask and heading out to the car.

Tony arrived at the camp and he went to the office to retrieve his son but he could hear a familiar inconsolable cry from a few doors away. He would know that cry anywhere. It was Maria. She didn't want to be seperated from Tony jr.

"My daughter is she ok?" he asked.

"She doesn't want to be separated from her brother but she will be ok once you guys leave," the nurse said.

Tony nodded and went in the back to see Tony.

"Come on little man. Change your clothes and then we're out of here," Tony said as he handed him a pile of clean clothes.

Tony looked at him wide eyed and sat up off the small bed. He grabbed for Tony's hand and they headed to the car.

When he got home Tony jr was complaining of a stomach ache and Tony tried to get him to the toilet on time but he was too late. Tony put him on the toilet anyway and a second wave hit but he also had to vomit and Tony grabbed a cleaning bucket from under the sink to collect the projectile and his worst fear was confirmed. He had a stomach virus but he decided to call the doctor anyway.

The doctor confirmed his suspicions and he began to run a cool shower.

"Don't move, I'm going to check on your mother," Tony said firmly.

He popped his head in the bedroom and Pepper was fast asleep and he pulled her breakfast tray away and took it to Dum-E to bring to the kitchen. He went back to Tony and helped him into the shower to rinse him clean. He helped him dress and kissed his forehead and took his temperature. He had a low grade fever.

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