Chapter 22

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Pepper woke up with a sniffle and a slight tickle in her throat and a pounding headache. She didn't know if it was a cold or just allergies but she felt horrible. She decided to get some sunshine to feel better. Tony decided to spend the morning playing in the pool with the kids since they were now in mid August and having a heatwave and Pepper went outside to join them. Pepper went in with a pair of shorts over a one piece bathing suit she found. Tony frowned in disapproval.

"No bikini?" he asked.

Pepper shook her head no.

"Daddy watch me jump in," Maria cooed.

"Pep it's too hot for a one piece and shorts. You're gonna regret it," he teased.

"Daddy watch me jump," Maria said again.

Pepper made a face at him and he smiled.

"DADDY WATCH ME JUMP," Maria said again loudly.

"Ok ok I'm watching," he said as he turned his attention to Maria who jumped in the pool.

Maria used all her might to jump in and she made a big splash and when she surfaced her arms were flailing and she was swimming rapidly towards the edge and Tony was there to intercept her.

"Wow you're getting to be such a big girl now," he said as he had her in his arms.

"Dad, you should do a cannonball and splash us," Anthony jr said.

"Are you sure that's what you guys want? It's gonna be a big splash," he warned.

"Do it Daddy," Morgan encouraged.

Tony got out of the pool and Pepper couldn't take her eyes off of him. He was still in great shape for being in his late fifties. Her mind floated back to the years she worked for him and the way he'd randomly take a break when it was too hot in Malibu and go into the pool and she would sit on the edge and put her feet in and he'd encourage her to join him. But she never did. She always remained professional. She moved towards the shallow end as he ran and jumped in close enough to the kids to make a big splash and they were hysterical. He continued to entertain them and watching him make the kids faces light up brought such joy in her heart and to be honest it was giving her butterflies in her stomach to see Tony so dedicated to his family. In the beginning the butterflies were because of the newness but these were different. They seemed to stick around much longer.

"Again Daddy again," Maria said.

"Dad needs a break. Mommy's the one who can do a backflip. Why don't you ask her to show you?" he suggested.

Pepper glared at him. How dare he put me on the spot? I haven't done a backflip in years. Typical Tony.

"Yeah mommy do a backfwip ," Anthony jr said.

"Let's see it Mrs. Stark," he said as he leaned back against the pool with a smirk.

Pepper got out of the pool reluctantly and got on the diving board.

"Ok kids but Mommy can only do this once ok? Mommy isn't feeling well," 

Pepper went to the edge of the board and turned her back to them. She bounced a few times and closed her eyes and propelled herself backwards into the water. It all happened so fast. When she surfaced the children were all clapping and cheering.

"Mommy that was amazing," Morgan said.

"Who wants cheeseburgers?" Tony announced as he got out of the pool.

"MEEEE," the kids yelled in unison.

Pepper gave him a look as she followed him to the grill.

"Tony they had cheeseburgers last night," she said

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