Chapter 5

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Tony went over the events of the last few days over and over again. He tried to find some missing detail, anything that could help the Doctor help Pepper. First the coconut hit her and he shook her gently, he checked the pulse and her breathing and both were low, he tried to see if she'd respond to loud noises and that didn't work either. They took a quick boat ride to the capital and the first Doctor basically just observed her while keeping her heart beating and her lungs breathing. Then the hospital in Mumbai was another disappointment.. another Doctor that couldn't help Pepper. And back in New York and it was more of the same. Pepper was in a coma and there was no way of knowing if and when she would wake up. Her injuries were unfortunately not focal, which would most likely mean a longer coma.She had injuries to both the brainstem and the Thalamus.

"We're going to try some more stimuli to test her reticular activating system," the doctor said.

"And what will that mean?" Tony asked.

"Well it will help me access whether she's improving or getting worse. Her eyes will open if the ras is working but that doesn't necessarily mean she's regained consciousness," he explained.

"Do what you need to do. I'm going to get a coffee," Tony said as he gave the doctor some space.

He really didn't want to leave Pepper but there was no news and despite his frustration with the situation he knew the doctor was trying everything he could. And he needed coffee and he was dealing with calls from Stark Industries and he really missed the kids but he couldn't bring himself to go home yet. He didn't want to scare them. They think their parents are still on vacation. Thor had called and he knew it was time to tell him. It wasn't fair to keep him here. Pepper's parents were driving in from Connecticut so he would see if they could help Happy with the kids.

He picked up the phone and Thor picked up on the first ring.

"How is your holiday going?" Thor's voice boomed through the phone.

"It turned into a nightmare in a matter of moments," Tony said, having to relive the horror again.

"What happened?"

"Are the kids around?" Tony asked.

"They're playing in the yard," Thor said.

"They cannot know about this. Pepper had an accident and she's in a coma. They don't know if and when she will wake up. I can't ask you to stay. Pepper's parents are driving in from Connecticut and I'm going to ask them to help Happy with the kids,"

"Tony I'm terribly sorry. I can stay at least three more days if you need me but then I must get back to Asgard," he said.

"That would be great," Tony said.

"Again I'm sorry. But the kids keep asking why you guys haven't called. You should talk to them soon," Thor suggested.

"As soon as I come up with something I will," Tony said, hanging up.

Tony went back into Pepper's room and he could see her eyes were open.

"Her RAS has improved and she's responded to the stimuli so there is a good chance she will wake up. She's moved from a coma to wakefulness. However she may have some emotional or memory issues due to the damage the thalamus has sustained," the doctor explained.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Tony asked.

"Exactly what you're already doing. Holding her hand and talking to her. She will need familiarity when she wakes up," the doctor explained.

Tony sat by Pepper's bed and he listened to the plethora of machine's attached to her. Hearing her steady breathing was the only comfort he had to know she was alive.

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