Chapter 14

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Tony was setting the table when Pepper walked in. She shoved her shopping bags in the closet and walked into the kitchen.

"Mommy," the kids said as they ran to her.

"I missed you guys," she said as she bent down to hug them. Maria took her hand and pulled her into the kitchen.

"I made this for you," she said, handing her a crayon drawing of complete nonsense but it made Pepper smile nonetheless.

"It's beautiful. Let's hang it up," she said.

She returned to the kitchen to help with dinner when she felt a set of eyes on her.

"You look really good Pep. Your hair looks nice and your eyes are sparkling. I don't know what it is. Did you change your makeup?" Tony said.

Tony noticed and Brad didn't. He really noticed my eyes.

"Thanks. I decided to try eyelash extensions," she said quietly as she continued to help him put dinner on the table.

They were about to sit down when Pepper's parents walked through the door.

"This is not New Haven but it is quite beautiful here. We just walked the entire length of the lake," Geraldine said.

"I'd like to do that one day," Pepper said as she bit into an asparagus.

"You're looking well today. You look more like your old self," Geraldine said.

"So Harold tonight is my poker game. Will you like to join us?" Tony asked as he grabbed a piece of bread.

"I haven't played in years but I think I will, thanks," he said.

Dinner was quiet and Pepper let the kids stay up and watch tv until Tony's friends arrived. She was sitting on the couch with them and little Tony with his head on her lap and the doorbell rang. It was Happy. He arrived with a six pack of beer and some kind of cake. He walked in and the kids ran to him.

"Uncle Happy," they said as they hugged him.

Pepper got up to take the beer and cake from him and bring it in the kitchen.

"Wow Pepper you look great. Did you do something different? I can't put my finger on it,"

"I had my hair done and I got some eyelash extensions," she confessed.

"Are you checking out my woman?" Tony said coming up behind her and wrapping his arms around her and kissing her check.

Pepper hit him playfully in the ribs.

"I told you you're being too critical. You're hot. All my friends think you're hot," he whispered in her ear not moving from his position behind her.

"I need to bring the kids up for bed," she said as she broke free.

Anthony jr heard this and tried to take off but Pepper grabbed him and scooped him up. Tony grabbed Maria  who passed gas like she usually did and they all laughed and Morgan followed.

After the kids were tucked in and stories were read they went back downstairs and their neighbors Will and Janice arrived. He brought over some hot wings and a bottle of Bourbon.

"You are going to stay far away from this," she said to Tony as she grabbed the Bourbon.

Back in his heavy drinking days Bourbon was Tony's drink of choice. He would drink and mask every emotion and sometimes he was out for days.

"Come on Pep. That was a long time ago. I've got a handle on my liquor, you know that. I can have one," Tony said.

"Ok if you insist," she said, handing it back to him.

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