Chapter 17

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Tony woke up and Pepper was not in the bed. To his surprise she was down in the kitchen eating breakfast with the kids.

"Morning honey, I made breakfast. Eggs and turkey bacon," she said as she walked over and kissed his cheek.
She was determined to show Tony that she wanted to be in this family and in this marriage. She was determined to be here for every breakfast, lunch, dinner and bedtime.

"Daddy we're going to the park. Are you coming with us?" Maria asked.

Tony looked at Pepper.

"I thought it would be nice to do as a family," she said, putting a plate down in front of him.

Tony looked at Pepper and was trying to read her. He wasn't sure why she was acting so strangely. He was going to go with it and see where it led.

"That sounds great," he said as he smiled at her.

They all sat down to eat as a family and the kids were happy which made Tony happy. After a quick breakfast they started to clear the table and Tony came up behind Pepper and he could smell her perfume and he was brought back in time to the first day she started work for him. He first smelled it when she walked into his office and it was Chanel Coco mademoiselle.

"Your perfume it's back," he said.

"What do you mean?" she asked as she turned around and grabbed his plate and put it in the sink.

"You have worn that perfume from the day I met you until you were pregnant with Morgan and then you said it made you sick and you couldn't wear it anymore," he said.

"I feel fine," she said.

"That perfume drove me nuts for years. I'd be able to smell it in my office and my house hours after you left," he said reminiscing.

"Well I'm glad you like it,"

"Like it? Pepper I love it. When you get close to me and I smell it, I can't concentrate," he confessed.

"It brings back so many memories," he said with a wistful look in his eyes.

Pepper smiled at him.

"Memories?" she asked.

"Umm I'll tell you about those later," he said hoping she would forget.

"And did i mention how great you look today? I mean you always look beautiful, but I appreciate the extra effort," Tony said, noticing that Pepper put some makeup on and a nice outfit.

She had on a fair of jean shorts that fit her butt perfectly and a low cut top.

They arrived at the park and the kids ran off and Tony stopped them by yelling stop loudly and they all turned around.

"Stay where we can see you," he said.

Pepper smiled at Tony as they sat on a bench.

"Wow those kids have a lot of energy," she said as she held his hand.

"They keep me young," he said as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

They sat there enjoying the silence as they glanced in the kids direction and Pepper's phone was going off. She looked at it and just ignored it. They were texts from Brad.

"Who's that?"

"Oh it's Janis, I'll chat with her later," Pepper lied as she put her phone on silent and threw it in her bag.

Tony gave her a look like he clearly didn't believe her. And she knew she should change the subject but Tony beat her to it.

"Janis has been texting you a lot," he questioned.

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