Chapter 24

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Pepper opened her eyes and she was feeling very frisky. She wondered if she only felt this way because she was falling for Tony and it was all new or if she was feeling frisky this often before her accident as well or if it was because he punched Brad out in her honor. She looked at Tony and he was sleeping soundly and she felt bad waking him but she couldn't help herself. She pressed her lips to his neck and slipped her hands under his shirt while he began to stir. He opened his eyes slowly and tried to adjust to the light.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?" he asked in sort of a panic.

"I'm horny"

Tony looked at the clock and there was only fifteen minutes before the kids would be awake. Pepper smirked at him and gave him a sexy come hither stare and he pulled her towards him. He kissed her passionately and slid his hand down her pants and wasted no time rubbing her favorite spot.

Pepper was whimpering softly and Tony was setting the pace when they heard crying from Tony jrs room. Tony put his head down on the bed in defeat.

"I'll go," he said as he went to check on Tony jr.

Pepper figured she would get up and brush her teeth and check on the girls since the moment was dead but luckily it was their anniversary and hopefully there would be time later. She peeked in their room and Morgan was braiding Maria's hair. When the girls saw her in the corner of the eye they ran to her and hugged her. They missed not being able to be around her when she was sick.

"I missed you girls," Pepper said, kissing each one of them on the head.

Tony popped his head in and the girls ran to hug him.

"Guess what girls?" Tony said.

"What?" Morgan asked.

"You're going to have a sleepover tonight with Uncle Happy. Your mom and I are going out overnight," he explained.

Pepper completely forgot it was their anniversary. Tony mentioned it so many times this week and she had meant to get a gift but she forgot.

"Yes. Yes it is and I need to go to the store to get something nice to wear," Pepper said suddenly realizing there was still time to get a gift.

She brushed past Tony and dressed quickly and she was headed out the door.

"Pep, we're headed into the city around five o'clock. I have some things planned," he said.

"Yep I'll be ready," she called after herself as she got into the car and then she was in full panic mode. She started the car and didn't know where she was going but she figured she'd head to the mall.

"FRIDAY do I have a list anywhere in your memory of gifts to buy Tony?" she asked.

"I found a list from 2007," the AI answered.

"Read it to me," she said.

"Pepper cuff links, framed photo, bourbon," the AI replied.

"What exactly are Pepper cufflinks and framed photo of who?" Pepper said aloud.

"There are no more notes," the AI responded.

"What about Tony, did he have any notes anywhere?" she asked again.


Pepper was wracking her brain while driving aimlessly and she saw a sign for Glamour Shots and a light bulb when on in her head.

"FRIDAY get Heather on the line," Pepper said as she pulled over into a gas station to devise a plan.

Once Heather got on, Pepper laid out the plans.

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